His Parents And Engagement

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I woke up at morning and offered my prayer first. I sat terrace to view sunrise as it has become my hobby, I was enjoying the cold breezes and incredible view of sunrise in front of me, but then my eyes travelled to my hand on which I could see his fingerprint still there, the whole scene flashed in my mind I tried to wash my hand harder to remove his print on me but I couldn't get away from that

His words, his face, and his action are haunting me in my dreams. No matter how much I tried to make confident face infront of him, but still is every word scared me. I don't know what will happen once I m married to him

Please Allah help me, give me strength to fight back

I silently prayed, I went to my room to sleep, as I haven't sleep but seems like my sleep also betrayed me. I lied down on bed. He said his parent will come after three days, two days are passed today he will come with his parents, its Sunday means no university. I got up and headed to downstairs and saw mama in kitchen preparing tea for papa I guess

"Assalam o Alaiqum mama" She smiled and replied my salam

"What are you doing mama"

"Preparing things for your in laws" She said doing her work

"But mama they would be coming in evening you are preparing so early" I asked

"Yes I know but I m doing work now so that at evening I will do last touch up and I want to do everything perfect, i know the situation is not good but they are your in laws and we will welcome them open heartedly and he told us his parents don't know about the deal. I hope they are not like him" My mama sighed

He is their son what do you expect my mind throw a sarcastic thought

Shut up I don't know so stop judging I scolded myself for judging someone whom I never met

"Okay mom but let me help you" mama nodded and I helped her with breakfast and other things



"Finally my son is getting married, the girl said yes finally. I started to think why my son is handsome when he cant make a girl say yes for marriage by his charm and handsome face" Mom said while hugging me

My mom can be over dramatic at times

"Mom you know I don't take no for an answer, not that any girl can say no to your son" I said

"But she made you wait, I can't wait to meet her and her family" My mom exclaimed like a child

"Patience Fariha we have just landed" My dad said. I hugged him

I watched around, I guess

"He haven't come" I whispered

"Your dad has sent Rayaan on business trip to Australia" My mom said placing her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her

"I haven't asked about him, lets go you guys, you need rest then in evening we are going to meet Zenish and her family" My mom nodded and we headed to home

I don't care who come or who not I was chanting this in my mind



"Asslam o Alaiqum" I heard someone greeting. I looked at door, and saw my bestie Anum greeting my parent and then coming towards me

"Walaiqum Assalm, you hear" I asked looking surprised

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