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"Get ready we have a lunch to attend, we leave in an hour" I was snapped out of my conversation with mom, I turn around to see my husband ready on his usual suit. I glared him

If you think after that apology, something between us changed then it is a big no. We still fight, argue, disagree with each other. The only thing is he doesn't threaten me like always.

"Zenish" I was snapped out of my thoughts

No I won't go with you today

Onwards that day Shayaan is taking me out like everyday, now you must be confused why I am complaining I should be excited and happy, he is taking me out but no he takes me out so he can attend his boring meetings and what I do well I sit in the corner while my husband attend his 'meetings'

If you think I haven't protested so you're wrong I did but it back fired me his exact words were

"You like to explore London didn't you told the same to mom now endure it with me we have to go like this because of you"

We act like we're going like a couple exploring and return as if we had fun to put up our act. But in reality I get bored sitting in a restaurant all alone

"Can't I just stay home today with mom I have plans with her" I make the best puppy face, praying it might work on him.

"No we can't one of our business partner and dad friend invited is on lunch I have to show up with my wife, so you are going" he didn't left any room for argument

"But what about my plans with mom?" I asked trying once again

"Oh honey it's okay you both go we will see any other time ok" I saw mom disappointed face

She really was excited when I said I want my day with her, she made plans and called it mother daughter outing but now..

"See mom is ok"

"But we are leaving tomorrow to Pakistan I won't be able to spent time with mom"

"You can spent ur whole morning Tomorrow with mom, we will be leaving in evening remember" I wanted to argue but his gaze hardened almost challenging to me argue more. I sighed and said "fine" with that he left

"Mom i am so sorry I didn't know about today's lunch" I apologized

"Oh comon! Don't feel guilty as far as our outing concern we will have it some other time now go and get ready before your husband get angry" she consoled me


"Why would you do that you know how boring it get sitting in restaurant at the corner and waiting for your meeting to finish" I marched in our room

"There is no meeting today Zenish I told you we have a lunch to attend, Dad's friend uncle Bashir invited us" he explained holding his cellphone and typing something

I got ready in my navy blue salwar kameez and did a little make up. My thoughts went to the day when I caught Rayaan and Shayaan arguing more like fighting

"Stay the away from my wife Rayaan, I am warning you last time don't you dare involve her in your sick games" Shayaan said. I could sense anger in his tone

"Damn that little wife of your actually loyal now that is not expected from a gold digger" as soon he uttered those words I saw Shayaan grabbing his collar and pinned to the wall.

"Mind your language RAYAAN"

"What it isn't true? She married you  cause her father owe you money and to save her family she presented herself to you. But wait that doesn't make her a gold digger, she presented you herself, do you know what those type of girls are named" he sadistically chuckled. I close my eyes

Her Arrogant HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now