How Dare He?

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I never imagined my life to have a 180 degree change. Just few time before, I was enjoying my life, studying medical, hanging out with friends and my wonderful cousin, having great parents but now I m getting married in less than two weeks

Two weeks?

From the day of my so called engagement, my would be mother in law along with my mother going for shopping. One thing I should tell you that his mother Fariha aunty is sweet loving lady. She is cooperative and humble not like billionaire ladies arrogant and self centered

One thing I learned about her is that she is fashion designer in London and she runs a boutique where Pakistani dresses are sold. She is the one very excited for the marriage including my brother

Today I will be going for the selection for my bridal dress. Almost five days are passed, everyone is engaged in wedding preparation and where am I? I am in university away from all this. Everyone is really irritating me with text and calls from morning

Oh did I not tell I didn't tell anyone I m going to uni

Saad and Anum are coming over to my home at every night along with my cousin to celebrate my last moments with them probably.

"Hello my dear future wife"As I was walking absentidly thinking about my life event, I heard his annoying voice from behind. I turned to face him and plastered the fake smile

"Do I have to say I am so happy to see you" I mocked

"By the way why you are here, last time I checked your mother was coming to pick me" I added

"I thought I should get the dress for my bride" He took a step forward smirking, I nervously took a step back

"Stop and I am not going anywhere with you" I asked trying not to stutter. He took one more step towards me and his facial expression changed to dangerous one

Would it be bad if I agree I m feeling scared by his closeness, we are not really in public, people will hardly notice here what is going on here

"Not that I was dying to come over here canceling my important meeting and getting you stupid dress for that day. If it isn't for my mother, I would not want to see you"

I wouldn't want to see you, like I was dying to see him.

Arrogant jerk

"Stop your tantrum get done with this thing and afterward we need to talk" He said in a bossing tone

What is there to talk now I thought

We proceeded to car and drove to mall.



"Where the hell you are" mom roared from phone

"What? I m in office mom" I replied

"Do you realize that it's your wedding we are doing preparation for?" she asked

"Yes I know the fact very well you are making my place a flower house"

Since the day of engagement mom is decorating the whole house from freaking flower

Can you imagine my house with bright colorful flower

"Still you are in office" She said ignoring my comment

"So what you want me to do, take part in doing that decoration, and if that the case, sorry mom I cant help" I said

Her Arrogant HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now