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"Oh my look at both of you looking so cute together" mom beamed with excitement as she saw us on the door

Cute and we this doesn't get along with us

We just reached now in Shayaan's private jet. Everything got pretty silent from yesterday, we didn't spoke a word to each other. He almost looked normal this morning, we reached to airport and I couldn't help but admire the plane in awe. The staff was very polite and attentive. There was a room and I slept whole ride because when you have such a workaholic and silent mode husband, you find peace in slumber

"Everyone is so excited to meet you zenish" mom exclaimed

"In case you forgot mom your daughter in law isn't alone welcome your son as well" he interjected

"Oh hello son make your self home" she said sarcastically while I giggled.

We moved to living room where I was hugged immediately by someone, I stood confused but wrapped my arms lightly

"Bhabhi oh my God I was so excited to meet"she squealed and I smiled nervously​

"Girl introduce yourself first my daughter is confused" mom said and she tapped her head

"Forgive me for my excitement, I am Mishal, your husband's best friend's sister" she introduced herself

"I m sorry for not able to make on your wedding. I so wanted to come but my exams were on and your husband didn't even cared about it. I wanted to enjoy your wedding" she whined like a kid

"Oh kiddo look I left my reception so that you can enjoy" he laughed

"How sweet of you Bhai" I just admired the scene in front of me I never saw Shayaan this playful. Yeah he tease me alot but I never saw him playful let ke this

"I believe you chose the dress for her for reception son" mom asked curiously
He just stared mom nervously

" I was quite busy with work mom" now this was very amusing. The ruthless business man is nervously answering his mom

"How does your wife copes up with you" mom said annoyingly​

"She understands" he said firmly now this was my turn to interjected

"You forgot to buy a dress no matter how I much understand, I do have a heart. I am so disappointed with you" I said pouring my fake feeling

He stared me weirdly and then glared but he was snapped by his mother

"You should have think about your wife Shayaan, now you are a married man. It is a family tradition have you forgotten that groom chose his bride's dress. Offending your wife in the very first days of marriage is not sensible young man" mom scolded him

Usually I feel sad the one who gets scolded in front of me but this time I can't help but feel victorious. Forgive me Allah for enjoying my husband getting scolded by his mother

"Mom, I didn't forget anything. You know I am Shayaan Ahmed. I always chose the best so why would I not chose best for my wife. My bride should look the best in the party so why not consult the best designer which sadly I couldn't find in Pakistan because the best designer is in front of me which I am sure has the best outfit for my wife now isn't it mom" his arms moved to my waist, he squeezed which caused me goose bumps, I plaster a smile. I know I would be red by now, his arms causing me electric shivers in my whole body. I saw mom blush

Well done my husband you know how to butter up

"You young man is forgiven this time and yes I have a new and latest collection for bride's so when will you do the honor to come" she asked

Her Arrogant HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now