You are nothing to me!

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The drive was silent only voice that was coming was her sniffing beside me, I momentarily gazed her to see her watching outside while sobbing, from where I could see her cheeks were drenched from tear

God! What should I do with this crying woman sitting beside me I thought frustratedly

From childhood I never know how to act around a crying lady or girl. I usually avoid these type of situations, not that i have a list of girl friend, no way i never had time for this crap. Looking this girl sitting as my wife crying opens the memories of my past which revolved only one girl Ayyat Ahmed eldest daughter of my father and our appi


"Hey you what you're doing with my toys" I shouted as i advance to the girl who looked bewildered and a bit scared. I recognized her as one of our family friends well not my friend. I was 10 and she looked around nine

"I...I am...." she stuttered while i cut her in between "Never touch my things" she dropped my toy and ran out of the room

I started picking my toy silly girl made my room mess, that's why i don't like anyone touching my things, they create mess

"Shayaan" I heard my api, she is five years elder than me and my brother

"Yes appi" I replied

"Why is maiyra crying" she asked angrily

"How should I know sis" i asked with innocent eyes

"Don't show me your eyes I know you said something to her that made her cry"

"Sis she touched my toys without my permission" I snorted

"Your temper for your age is not good, go apologise to her, she was just looking for you to play" she said

"You know i don't play with girls sis" i protested

"You should never make a girl cry boy, its not symbol of good gentleman, now go and apologise" I looked at her, i know she will never back off and if I didn't listen she will be upset which i didn't want to

"Fine" I walked towards lawn where she was still sobbing. I didn't know what to do

"Hey stop crying girl" I said, she looked at me. I placed my toy in her lap, she looked confusedly at me

"Take this and stop crying please" I said with a smile to which she smiled at me

"Well this wasn't that difficult" i thought


My thoughts were disturbed by the sound of her bangles. They were now getting irritating. I placed my handkerchief on dash board with out looking at her but I know she is looking at me

"Stop crying" I said trying not to sound harsh. For few moments she didn't take it but then she pick it up and wiped her tears. At least she stopped crying, because i know i am disaster in saying soft words.


"Stop crying" I heard him when I didn't take his handkerchief, I glanced him whose eyes were on road. I looked at his handkerchief again, took it and wiped my tears

Her Arrogant HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now