Safe distance

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It's been a weak since what happened between us. You might be thinking things got awkward, we would be acting like shy teenagers but sorry to poke your bubble it hasn't. I mean for those we need to come face to face, we ate breakfast silently, he acts as if nothing happen, and I play along. At night he come too late, midnight probably

I got a new habit of waiting for him no matter how late is he, I stay awake. I know it's weird but sleep doesn't comes to me when I m alone i guess. Yes that's the reason I can't sleep. I mean thought sleeping in this scary big house all alone is enough to be awake. It's when he comes, without his knowing I heat the dinner and put on dinning table, so that he eats. I pretend to be sleeping in front of him

Finally the day arrived, I will join my University, my studies again. God staying in this big house made me sick but I m glad like, from few hours I will be out from his prison.

But before heading to University, he decided to make my mood bad

"I believe you will not break your promise wife" he said seeing me excited to finally meet my two best friends

"I don't understand, me going to university, has to do with the promise" I asked with confusion

"I see playing naive are we? Anyways just remember one thing if I got to know you met your family with the help of your two so called best friends then let just I don't spare who betrays me dear wifey" his words hit my nerve straight

This man know how to get on my nerve

"When I told you I never, I mean never back off from my words. I meant it Mr Ahmed. Beside my parents taught me to never break promises as much as I want to argue but I can't, I have my class so excuse me" I said bitterly and walk passed him

How dare he

"Hey zee I know your husband is very handsome but will you stop zoning out, we are making notes and making up for what you missed, now concentrate will you" Saad hissed who is explaining me what I missed and not to forget Anum is helping with me making notes. I know I have the bestest best friends for which I am so grateful to Allah.

"Silence" librarian glared us well you guys now know where are we

"Shhh" I playfully placed my finger on lips and signalled Saad to be quiet who was getting annoyed now.

"Zee do you want good grades or not" Saad muttered

Honestly I don't feel like to study right we had four classes without any break , and when we got one Saad drag us to library to study

"Can't we have little break please" I asked him innocently


"Stop it you both" finally Anum decided to speak

"And Zee is right let's have little break then back to study" Anum spoke in my favour. Saad sighed in defeat and nodded

"Okay let's grab something from canteen" I chirped excitedly

We walked out of library, and headed to canteen. Saad walked to buy our lunch while I and Anum settled on our table

"So.." Anum hesitantly started, I know what she wants to ask

"Ask Anum. I can see the desperation in your eyes so ask"

"I thought you will tell by yourself but it's fine, how is your married life treating you and don't give me that answer you gave to Saad"

"What do you think Anum how will it be, it's like a house where two strangers are living no difference" I answered

"Zee everything will be fine just don't stop giving up your relationship" I laughed at her word 'relationship'

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