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I got home that evening freaking, Anum on the way try to ask what was wrong with me but I didn't tell her the story instead lie to her that I m not feeling too good. When I got home, I tried to build my courage to talk to papa first, not in a hell I m going to believe any stranger who claims me as his fiancé, only papa can clear my thoughts,

I tried to talk papa at dinner when he returned he ignored me and was lost somewhere, I knew something is stressing him but I prayed what I heard should be true in any sense. After dinner I made my papa's favorite tea and headed towards mama papa's room

When I reached home I heard mama and papa arguing. I know eavesdropping is a bad think but I didn't have any option, I came more closer to hear clearly

"She is our only daughter Rehan, we cant stake her. Please do something" I heard my mama crying. I so wanted to go in and console my mother but I couldn't what I next heard

"I know Safia, I'll do everything in my power to save my Zenish, even if it cost my life too" I heard papa assuring her

"But how will we get such big amount in this short time" My mama asked

"Don't worry I called some of my friends who can help us financially, I have talked to them lets just pray they agree to help me, just have faith in Allah and in me I wont let anybody take our Zenish" My papa said

Means he was right, he knew everything that my papa cannot afford such a big amount and despite of giving month he give him days for it. But he was wrong my papa wil never exchange me for money, he was wrong

What if your papa couldn't arrange money, then surely he will exchange for money by willingly or forcibly my subconscious said

But I don't know why someone wants to marry someone so desperately that he could threaten, what if he is some kind of obsessed stalker. What will I do now?

I should talk to him, but how will you talk to him and the biggest question why will he listen to you?

"What no please try to understand...please listen to me" I heard papa talking on phone

"What they refused to help right no one cares today no one" My mama said in tears

"I m feeling helpless now" my papa said sat beside mama

I never saw my parents so miserable and vulnerable especially papa he was the one solving everything in life either it is smallest thing. He fixed everything in life now seeing him helpless clenched my heart, knowing that I cant help them is the biggest regret

But wait why cant I help him maybe talking to that arrogant jerk can solve something or derive a solution

"Papa mama" I knocked

"Come in Zee" I heard his heavy voice

I entered and put the tea on the table, they were pretending hard not to show they were crying few moments before. They were looking everywhere but me

"You both are disaster in pretending, so please stop it" I said and they looked at me

"You should go and sleep Zenish" my papa ordered me bit rudely

"I heard everything" As I said they both looked more miserable


"Its okay papa I know you love me so much to let go, I don't have any complain but we have to fix this right" I assured him while they both nodded

Her Arrogant HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now