Breakfast Bickering and His Accusation

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*You should be careful dear is it paining?* mom asked for nth time after seeing that white bandage on the wrist. In this marriage, I accept I don't have the ideal type husband but something I am blessed is my mother in law. I see my mother in her, being with her feels I am close to my mama and to be honest I feel blessed. But right now she was worrying too much like mama does

*mom its fine, I am fine it will take two or three days to be healed its not a deep cut* I didn't say any lie regarding my wound it was really not deep

*Ok if you say come now have breakfasts* we proceeded to dinning table where Mishal was already there

*Now where these men of house gone* mom frowned. Mishal just shrugged

*Good morning mom you missing me?* We heard deep voice which snapped our head in his direction, and he was standing there all in his glory giving a boyish smile

*Asslam o Alaiqum Rayan, even your brother made a habit of greeting with salam when will you do the same* Mom asked

*Walaiqum assalm mom, you know I have left doing same thing he is doing long time a ago* he said nonchalantly. Though he said casually but his words struck mom hard she was hurt I could see that but she composed and masked her emotion. Something I came to know in this house everyone how mask their own emotion. It's really strange they are hiding their emotion from their own family

*Well speaking of my twin where is he and dad* he asked getting comfortable on his seat and putting toast in his plate

*Well we are here son, I see you started without us* dad said in disbelief

*Morning dad, not everyone discusses business without having breakfast first* was his sassy reply to which dad rolled his eyes, dad took his seat followed by Shayaan. He sat on his seat and his eyes met mine, I am trying to avoid his eyes from morning I just hope I last a whole like this

*Are you going to sit or not* Rayan voice snapped us out of our trance, every one along with mine head snapped towards Rayan

*If you are not going to sit please pass me the orange juice which is right there* I pass the jug to him, his eyes went to my bandage wrist

*What happened there* he pointed to my hand, I was surprised but not because he was concerned but because there was something in his eyes challenging me to tell what actually happened, something tells me he know something

*Zenish was taking off her bangles in rush, her bangles broke* mom replied on my behalf. I smiled at her and pour water as I was thirsty

*Oh really that's sad you should be careful, for a moment I thought someone pressed your wrist and that happened* his words hit me hard, the glass in my hand was shattered in to tiny pieces. Rayan was sitting there and was smirking as if telling me he know everything. I gulped nervously my eyes went to Shayaan, he was glaring his brother but when his eyes met mine, his eyes were even harder like I did something wrong. It confused me more

*Zenish dear are you alright* mom asked and stood in front of me a maid was cleaning the floor

*I...I am sorry, I...* I don't know what to say *Shh! hey it's okay are you alright sweet heart I am observing you are spacing out so much, are you okay dear?*mom asked

*Zenish are you, or should I take you to the room have breakfast I don't think you are feeling well* Shayaan rose from his seat looking almost concerned for me but I know he is faking for his parents to see how caring he is

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