Unknown Call

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"Grab a seat Mr. Shah" I gestured him to sit and he sat. His personality looked tough, well built body, short height and had every features a tough would have, he some what reminded me of my dad but it is no time for admiring this because all I will do is to ruin him either financially or emotionally

"I believe you were ignoring me lately" I said

"I had some important things going on Mr. Ahmed I came to know you stop by my house but I wasn't there. I m sorry for keeping you waiting, I hope u didn't mind" He apologized

"I guess you know why we are meeting?" I asked

"I know that I owe you I just need some time the business is running bit harshly these days" He explained

"Arent you late for three years Mr. Rehan Shah. I guess five years total were enough for you to pay that loan" I said sternly when it comes business I m always harsh, no matter the person sitting in front of me is my dad's age or grandfather's

"It's the matter of few lacs to you I think you can wait and I have my reasons to not pay this loan" He reasoned

"Oh really well I would like to hear those" I said

"There was no one in this company who would claim that this company was theirs, the company was like abandoned when I came seeing the condition, I couldn't trust the head of company" He said

"How inconvenient Mr. Shah"

"I told you the truth Mr. Ahmed rest is upto you but I don't have such a big amount at this time please I just ask for few month that's it, I will pay you I haven't denied" He protested

"Well I have a preposition for you which will erase your loan, I will completely forget the money you owe me" I proposed him an idea

He narrowed his eyes

"What will that be" he asked curiously

"Before I tell you the preposition I want to ask you how many people are there in your family" I asked

I know I saw his file I even know their ancestor as well but I have to ask to come on point

"Well a wife, a daughter and two son, and why are you asking" He answered

"Daughter I believe she is the one encountered that day when I came at your house"


"What will you say if I ask your daughter's hand in marriage and then forget that you have ever took laon from this company" I said

"You must be kidding right"

"I don't kid Mr. Shah when it comes to business now will you answer my question" I asked

"Well my answer is no, I wont stake my daughter it may be business for you Mr. Shayaan Ahmed but I don't do business of my daughter you got that, next time watch your tongue" He got up to walk away

"Your wife name is Safia Shah currently a housewife, your daughter Zeenish Shah a medical student will be doctor in less than two years and then your son Zaryaab and Zahaan one is doing engineering and other is in collage. Tell me if I m mistaken Mr. Shah" I said which stopped him in his track


"I know every single detail Mr. Rehan Shah of your business as well, what will happen, if it put to end. What will happen to your family, your house will be sold you and your family will be on roads, your kids studies will be stopped and you all will be ruined. You know because of whom?" I paused and he raised his eye brow

Her Arrogant HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now