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What would you do when your life is a total mess? When you have two options your life or your family, what would you choose? Basically I don't have a choice because in both the cases my life will not ant better, it wasn't easy to convince papa and mama but I don't have a choice. I cant stake their future knowing that I can only save it

"We can figure it out you don't have to take this decision" my papa insisted well literally begged

"Really papa what will we do get out of this that man will surely ruin us if we didn't decide anything" I explained

Seeing my papa helpless in this situation bleeds my heart. The more I see him helpless and defeated the more hate this man

"Papa please I know it is not easy for you both but it is also not easy for me as well. You always taught us Allah is biggest helper, if He put His people in trouble then he will give us a path to get out of it, it's a test papa. I trust Allah, everything happen if He wants. If this marriage meant to be then no one can stop it but if it isn't meant to be then that Shayaan Ahmed can't do anything. Trust Him please He will help us" I hugged him and give him hope that everything will be fine. He sighed and defeatedly accepted

"Earth to Zenish" I saw someone waving his hand, I looked up to saw my two best friend bit irritated

Well for starter I m back to university the vacation finally over

"Sorry I just spaced out"

"You okay Zee" Anum asked with concerned

"I m okay, you tell, you guyz are looking irritated what happened" I asked to both of them

"Ask your best friend that what she did now" My bestie Saad said gritting his teeth momentarily

Something I should tell about Saad is, he is also my childhood bestie like Anum, we trio grown up together and vowed to be doctors in different field and practice it. Talking about him he has bit short tempered, he canbe pissed off on very small things

"What is going on here will anyone tell me" I asked eying both. Anum started to say something but he stopped showing his hand

"Let me do the honor to tell you what our best friend did" He said looking to her

"Okay.." I nervously said seeing him angry mode

"She kind of accepted her fiancé wish to not practice more over she will complete her MBBS and do nothing after she got married to him" My eyes widened on this revelation

Among three she is the crazy person to be doctor, mostly when girls dream of their prince charming she dreams to be a doctor/ surgeon. Yeah she is that crazy

"Look Zenish he is right, after marriage I will be having lots of responsibilities which have to be my first prior and being doctor will not help me to fulfill them, I would be his wife I would prior him obviously right?" She explain nervously

Is she hearing herself?

"More like a puppet, one day he will say you jump from the cliff and you will happily do it because he is your husband right. Such a bastard jerk" Saad mocked

I glared him and he was like giving me 'I m not saying anything wrong'

"Puppet or wife or whatever, priority changes Mr. Saad Khan you know this better than me, we are getting late for class excuse me" With that she got up and my angry friend remained silent

Her Arrogant HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now