The Incident

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Kion was laying alongside a patch of grass; replaying the events of the latest mission of the day in his head.

That was a close one today, Kion thought.

  The image of Bunga almost falling off a cliff rushed back into his head. He tried to shake the image out his head. Bunga's done a lot of crazy, life-risking things before; Kion understood that was just Bunga,  but he still couldn't help but worry about him.

Over at the Lion Guard Cave

"Hey, little B", Beshte said. "You were pretty brave to just throw yourself in that herd of zebra like that"

"Ah, it was nothing", Bunga smiled.  "But I gotta admit,  it was pretty scary hanging from that cliff"

  Bunga remembered how he jumped on the back of the lead zebra and steered the heard away from the cliff, but he was thrown off by the zebra in it's fear-stricken run.

"If it weren't for Kion and Fuli you probably wouldn't be here right now",  Ono pointed,  literally dropping in on their conversation.

"And the way he kept apologizing afterwards", Beshte shook his head.  "For some reason he felt like it was his fault"

" Yeah,  but I'm sure he was just worried about me. I mean after all it's not everyday your nest friend is hanging from a cliff",  Bunga joked.

"Now, I see why they call him Bunga", Ono shook his head as he flew off.

  "Hey, guys", Fuli panted.

  "Hey, Fuli", Bunga greeted. "Awesome save today"

"Thanks, Bunga, but you should really be more careful", she advised. She then looked around. "Where's Kion?"

"We don't know, he should be back soon", Beshte answered. "Should we look for him?"

"Nah, it's okay I can find him", Fuli smiled. "See ya, guys"

  "Fuli's been spending a lot of time with Kion lately. I wonder what's she's up to", Betshe thunk aloud. "I gotta go. See ya, Little B", he said walking in the direction of the watering hole.

  "Yeah, see ya", Bunga called.  He was all by himself.

  Fuli's been spending a lot of time with Kion, Bunga thought about what Betshe said.

The more he thought about it,  the more he wanted to go Pride Rock.  And, he didn't understand why.

Zuka Zama: The Bravest and the Fiercest | A Kion X BungaWhere stories live. Discover now