Kupo's Warning

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Kupotea galloped as fast as he could towards Pride Rock. Time was running out. Kopa had returned earlier than he thought he would. Seeing him again made his blood run cold. There's no doubt in any part of the jackal's mind that this would bring the destruction of all that is around.

Even though he has not been here long, many of the, Pride Lands already sees him in a different light than the Outlanders. As he ran passed them some of them gave him a quick nod of greeting. If course, he had no time to nod back. For Kupo every second of today counts.

Tommorow will be a day of blood. Great spirits above, grant us strength, he prayed as Pride Rock came into view.


Kion and Bunga were lazing around in the Lion Guard base. Together they had been patrolling the savanna for any signs of danger or trouble. The sun above them bathed the land in a hazy heat. 

"Ugh....Kion?", Bunga asked. 

"What is it, Bunga?", Kion hummed, lifting his ear up towards him. 

"It's hot", the honey badger panted.

"Yeah, but it comes with the job. Besides, the watering hole isn't that far away", Kion suggested, nudging his mate up on his feet.

"Alright, alright", Bunga chuckled, walking alongside Kion. Just to the thought of the cool watering hole gave him a new vitality. 

"Uh, Kion? Later on do you want to..? Nevermind...", Bunga shook his head.

"Do I want to what? What's up?", Kion smiled down at the honey badger.

"I was just gonna ask you....I have something planned for us, but I just wanted to know if you could sneak out again?", Bunga confessed, a light blush spreading on his face.

"Uh, maybe. Honestly, last time was cutting it really close. I was almost caught by my dad, and almost right after we had to go back on dawn patrol and I was pretty sore from...", Kion blushed as he thought about it.

"Yeah, I get it. It's okay. How about I come to you this time?", Bunga suggested, trying to change the subject.

"That might work. There's actually a secret way out that Kiara uses all the time. If you can sneak around and scale up the the first few boulders you'll find a hole to crawl through. I'ts kinda snug for us, but you'll fit through fine. Meet me there tonight and we'll go from there", Kion explained.

"Mmm, if you say so", Bunga just shrugged.

The duo reached the watering hole and immediately took a long drink. In the heat of this day in particular, it was a relive to be there and cool off.

"There, feeling better now?", Kion teased, sitting back to relax for a short while.

"Aaah, yep", Bunga yawned.

They sat underneath the shade of an overhead tree. Kion lay on his back, enjoying a moment of rest. He closed his eyes, but flinched when he felt something on him. He looked down to see Bunga curled up against him.

"I say we deserved a nap for a bit", Bunga chuckled, closing his eyes. Kion just scoffed in amusement and closed his eyes.

His eyes snapping open, Kion looked around to find himself in a thick mist. Under his paws was something that felt like soft grass. The air itself smelled wet and dank. Almost instantly an uneasy feeling swept over his spin, making his fur rise.

"I see you've arrived, my dear boy", a familiar voice was somehow heard at every angle around him at the same time.

In a flash, the voice immediately clicked in his mind.

Zuka Zama: The Bravest and the Fiercest | A Kion X BungaWhere stories live. Discover now