The New Leader Revealed

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"Alright, alright. I'll take my place, but when this over I want to speak to him personally", Janja huffed.

Changa's ears perked as familiar footsteps thudded behind her.

"Are they ready?", the deep voice asked her.

"Yes. They are awaiting your arrival", she bowed as he walked past her.

Inside the cave the whole of hyenas were all waiting for who ever was leading and organizing all of this. They were all just chattering and cackling among themselves. Janja, Cheezi and Chungu sat at the highest rock formation looking down upon everything else. Suddenly everything went quiet as Changa made her way into the cave entrance. Behind her a rather large lion strode forward. The whole cave became silent. 

Janja looked on in amazement. This wasn't some run of the mill lion. He was about the same size as Simba himself. His fur was golden and his mane was dark brown. His gaze held a powerful presence to it as he looked to all of the hyenas present to see him.

"Hmmm, Changamoto. I'm impressed. Now allow me to finally explain... To all of you", the lion said as he stepped to address the whole crowd.

The hyenas stared at the lion, waiting to hear what it had to say.

"I'm sure you all have questions about who I am and what am I planning. Well, I'm here to put your questions to rest. Know this. I am also like your kind. Put out of the precious Pride Lands! Cast off into a world of no resources. I've seen your struggles. No food. No water. But tomorrow it all ends. For you and your future generations. The punishments of the past shall be null and void! If you follow me. Not only will we overthrow the Pride's tyranny, but we will start a new revolution and make them see what our struggles have been like. How many we have lost  trying to attain what is ours! How much we have suffered. The young that have starved and the mothers that have wept!", he roared passionately.

The hyenas and stood up, raising thier voices in agreement. Janja, Cheezi and Chungu looked around at the rest.

"What do you think, Janja?", Cheezi asked.

".... He's right. This is what I've been trying to do for so long....", Janja muttered to himself. Without saying anything, he scaled down the rocks down to the makeshift platform the lion was standing on.

"Is it true? Can you really help us? Can this all really end?", Janja asked him.

Cheezi and Chungi had never seen Janja like this before. But even those two understood the situation. This was everything Janja wanted to accomplish. He wanted to free the hyenas and everyone else from this place.

"I assure you I can", the lion looked down upon Janja. "I assume you are the leader of this pack?"

"Yeah", Janja cleared his throat and stood up tall. "You can me Janja. If everything you say is true then me and my boys will gladly join you"

"I am glad to hear that. I also assume the jackals will be aiding us as well?", the lion asked once more, his voice now a smooth, oily purr.

"Of course. They want out of here as much as we do", Janja smiled. "We're all round up and prepared. Especially thanks to your little messanger Changa over here", he gestured over to the female hyena.

"Well, job well done. I knew I could rely on you", he said as he turned to Changamoto. She smiled and blushed in response.

"Now as for the matter at hand", the lion said as raised his voice to the crowd again with Janja at his side.

"We will advance on the Pride Lands and make King Simba see the error of his ways. If he will not listen to reason well.....I'm sure you have no problem taking it by force", he suggested.

Surprisingly the hyenas continued to nod and grunt in agreement.

"I'm glad we are all 100 percent in the liberation of the Outlands. As we will make our march make sure you all spread the message of the revolution", the lion ended.

"Uh, sorry for asking. But what do we call you? We've been getting your messages for the longest and never had a name to connect them to", Janja pointed out.

"Of course. How rude of me. My name is Kopa. And tomorrow the entire Pride Lands will know that name", Kopa snarled to himself.

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