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I lean on the front of my car and keep my eyes on the black car parked in front of me. My heart beats faster when the car door opens and he steps out, approaching me slowly. My chest tightens with every step he takes. He stops when the tip of his shoes is touching mine. I feel two rough hands grab my face, guiding me to meet emerald green eyes. I close my eyes waiting to feel his lips on mine. Our noses touch and-


I bolt upwards like a maniac.

"Jesus Christ Em! Couldn't you have woken me up in a more lady-like manner?" I scold my best friend for cutting my dream short before I could get to the magical kiss.

"We're late you idiot! Maybe you should do something about your drooling before you lecture me about being a lady." Mandy fires back with arms crossed while standing on my bed. "Now get up and take a shower, you stink."

The last part comes out muffed because I hit her with a pillow. "Shut up!" I shout as I run to the bathroom before she shoves the same pillow down my throat. "And I don't drool!" I continue just before I close the bathroom door shielding myself from the flying pillow.

Mandy and I are crazy but we fit perfectly as best friends because well... Let's face it, who else would tolerate us?

We met on the first day of orientation at our university. So there I was, lost at this big university. The weird bald guy, who after three years in this university is still called the weird bald guy, was explaining about the labs. He asked: "Any questions?"

"Yeah; where the hell is the cafeteria? I'm starved!" of course I thought that but I didn't say it out loud. I hear it, however, coming from the sassy looking girl next to me. People around including the weird bald guy ignore her. I, on the other hand, stare at her until she looks back.

"Uh..... Do you know where the cafeteria is?" She asks me.

"Erm...No sorry...I was just surprised because you read my mind." Smooth Mia; you're probably scaring her.

Black eyes study me for a few seconds before she says: "Okay, we can look for it together." She finally smiles.

After I met Mandy, we decided to get an apartment together next to the university. Now we live in this cute little apartment not too far from campus. We found the place while trying to find a pizzeria some classmate told Mandy about. She was driving and yelling at me. I was yelling back and trying to figure out how to read the damn map on Google Maps. Among all the yelling, she decided to take a tiny road that looks nothing like a road that might have a pizzeria and also that was nowhere near where the map was telling us to go. I'd love to note that I advised her against it but of course what do I know, she's a human navigator (note the sarcasm). She made the turn and saw a small hair salon with a pretty pink sign that says 'Kitten's'. As soon as the sign came into view, Mandy started reciting ways she's going to destroy it. You know; I'm all for multitasking but Mandy is ridiculous with focusing on yelling at me, mocking the sign and making gagging faces. With all the mocking and barfing noises, a loud bang and a jolt forward startled us to silence.

"Mandy....uh...Did you just..."

"I... I can't believe I just crashed her!"

"Who cares about your car right now? We should probably worry about the fence we just ruined and the old man walking our way as we speak."

"Right, let's just get out and offer to fix it."

"And if it's more than we can afford?"

"Then we beg and cry."


"If you have any other suggestion; be my guest."

"Fine," I say while abruptly opening my door. I wanted to make a point of my annoyance but I did not think about how close the man was and ended up hitting him in the face. We barely could afford to fix his fence, how are we going to afford to fix his face? "SHIT! I'm so sorry sir I didn't see you! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry!" I babble trying to help him up.

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