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Lub, Dub

Lub, Dub

Lub, Dub

The only thing I can focus on in the dead silent room; the sound of my own heart angrily bashing against my rib cage.

I try to come up with a way to make him talk but he seems incredibly interested in our living room carpet. I knew that boy is stubborn but not moving a muscle for fifteen minutes like a statue has got to hurt. "We have chips. they're barbecue flavored; your favorite." I whisper too scared to raise my voice by the slightest.

He lets out a sigh. I decide to take it as progress and walk to the kitchen to get the chips.

Chips always fix everything in my book. I reminisce on the memory as I empty the bag of chips into a bowl.

"Here Blondie. I couldn't find any barbecue ones so I got vinegar." Nate throws the bag to my head.

"Seriously?" I wipe my tears and open the bag "But you hate the smell of vinegar."

"Yeah but cheering you up is always a priority"

"Aw, my guardian angel," I say before blowing my nose and smiling when he chuckles at the noise.

"Your such a girl" He smiles at me

"Whatever" I throw the dirty tissue paper at him

"You're dead Blondie"

I run without giving it any thought just as my other guardian angel walks through the door. I hide behind him.

"Don't come any closer, Nate." Kyle points a finger at him

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it?" Nate moves his finger away

Kyle narrows his eyes at him for a few seconds and then yells "I'm going to get her myself". He grabs me before I can run again and attacks me with tickles.

I shiver as the goosebumps spread all over my body from the memory.

"Running is not an option so you're hiding in the kitchen?" Mason's voice startles me out of my thoughts.

I look up to see him leaning against the door frame with his hands crossed and his eyes boring into mine with so much aggravation that I have to drag my eyes back down to the chips so that I don't shrink into a bug under his stare. "I wasn't hiding. I was getting chips." I stay focused on the bowl. "And I'm not running anywhere this time."

"Well, that's a first" He doesn't try to hide the sarcasm in his voice. Despite my crave to retaliate, I keep my mouth shut and my eyes on the chips. "Are you going to say anything?"

"Would you like some?"

"I mean anything useful." I stay silent "Look at me, Mia." He demands but I don't dare to. He moves closer and pulls my chin up to force me to look at him. "I can't go on this way. Not when I feel like I'm wasting my time Mia." His eyes move from one of mine to the other like he is searching for something in them. "I need you to talk to me now Mia or..."

"Or what Mason?" I push his hand away from my face. "You're going to leave? Give up?" Now I raise my voice

"You expect me to wait for you to magically decide to trust me?" He raises his more. "Dammit, Mia! What more can I do for that to happen huh?" I flinch away from the sound of his fist colliding with my kitchen counter then he takes a step towards me and holds my shoulders before I can take a step back. "What more can I do for you to let me in?"

"You-" He interrupts me with a gentle shake

"You what? 'You can go if you can't take it?' Is that what you were going to say?" He lets go of me

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