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"The wound that is marked with darkness, run too deep to heal"

"Mason?" I say after he has been silent for a long. I know he needs some time to prepare himself but this is ridiculous. "You're not on trial you know" Still no answer "Mason?" I look up and see his eyes closed "I know you're not asleep" He keeps his act "Mason I'm going to count to three: One.....two.....three" I straddle him and begin tickling. It takes me 3 minutes to realize that he is not ticklish. As soon as I do, he turns us over and the tickler becomes the ticklee "MASON STOP! IM GOING TO PEE MYSELF!"

"So what! It's my boxers you're wearing"

"HAVE MERCY" I am still kicking and screaming when I notice that he isn't on top of me anymore. I lie still when hear a groan coming from a pained Mason lying on my right "What happened?" He groans again and I realize that I just kicked him where the sun doesn't shine "Shit! Are you okay?" I hold his shoulder and try to sound sincere but my uncontrollable laughter was making it impossible "I'm so sorry baby I just have this outburst when things like that happen but I am deeply sorry "

"Cou.....Could...You...Please get...Me...Some ice"

"Yes! Ice! Right away!" I run to the kitchen and back "I really am so sorry baby" I hand him the ice

"I know it's bad when you call me 'baby' " He manages to let out a weird chuckling sound to tell me he's amused or trying to be at least... After he hisses from the ice, he sits upright and places a pillow over the ice pack "Just in case" He smiles then pats the pillow for me to lie on

"Are you sure? Won't it hurt"

"Just come here" I lay my head on the pillow and he starts playing with my hair "Ready for your bedtime story?"

"Mhm" I am too relaxed to form words

"Remember when I told you that I had made a lot of mistakes and hung out with a lot of bad people?" He doesn't wait for an answer to continue. "I had a best friend, Arron. We were inseparable since our preschool years. When we started high school I met a group of people... I was really intrigued by them and long story short, I became a part of the young threats."

"What about Arron?"

"Arron and I...uh...Grew apart" He moves his gaze to mine "Don't worry, we weren't criminals. We were just....... Strong teenagers with no limits and low patience." He smiles at me but it was a small one before he continues "One night, we were at this bar we hung out at every weekend."

"Isn't it illegal to drink at this age?"

"Yeah, but one of them was the nephew of the owner and as I said before, we had no limits"He pauses a moment and continues "That night, we were all drinking after the results of our finals came out... There was this one guy, Blade, he was like the leader of the group." His hand stills in my hair "He had a girlfriend and she was at the bar that night... Unfortunately, she did not come to the bar with him nor was she there alone. Blade wanted to attack the guy she was with right then and there but I..." He stops himself and I look up as he inhales deeply. "I suggested that we wait for the guy at the alley at the back." His green orbs hold mine steadily while he says "It was brutal to a point where I even got cut by Blade" My thoughts instantly form the image of his tattoo that hides the scar.

"Is it..." I ask to confirm that the scar I have in mind was from the cut.

"Yeah, I had shitty stitches done by one of the guys which caused the scar"

"What about the guy?" He looks away as soon as I ask and my heart drops "Oh my God"

"He's alive Angel... After they were done with him, the guys just left him on the ground and walked away. At that moment... Seeing him lying there... My mother's face clouded my mind. Her disappointed eyes burned me and I couldn't just walk away so I called 911." His eyes are still avoiding mine "When I realized that the guys are actually going to get beers after all of this... I just couldn't do it...I had a conscience and it was roaring in my head loud enough to drive me insane... I turned my back on them without justification. I went straight home and agreed to move away for good." I raise my hand and caressed his cheek to calm him down. "I visited the guy before leaving. He was in the ICU but he saw me and I knew he recognized who I was instantly."

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