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Three years later

"Hey" I hear Riley saying to her phone screen when I walk in the living room.

"Who are you talking to?" She ignores me and continues her conversation as she lies on the couch. I jump on her and start making kissing faces to the phone.

"Mia stop! What are you doing?"

"I'm doing what you do to him. It's the first time I see you decent with him on the phone"

"It's not Niall you dimwit!"

"Oh" I look at the screen and see Ethan smiling at me.

"Who's Niall?" He frowns, giving Riley the big brother look

"No one"

"Mia?" He turns to me now

She stares me down, daring me to disagree "Yeah it's no one... It's just... Some singer she fangirls over" I try my best to lie

"Well... My sister is retarded..."

"Shut up!"

"So how's Romania?" I change the subject before he can ask any more questions.

"Oh, you know... same old. How's Australia? Are you taking care of Riles"

"Come on Ethan! Knowing Riley, she's the one taking care of all of us"

"As long as no boys are around the house, I'm good"

"Like Mason would allow that" I chuckle remembering the first time Niall came to take her out on their first date. The poor lad almost soiled his pants dealing with Mandy and Mason. Mandy trained him on how to interrogate first comers. Riley had to chase them away with a broom.

"So when are we seeing you?" He asks us

"We'll meet in Lebanon on Christmas" I answer him

"First official Christmas for Mason," He says and raises his eyebrows at me teasingly.

"Oh shut up! After meeting all of you, nothing is going to change that man's mind"

"Ethan!" We hear a girl's voice yelling at him from the background "ETHAN! ANSWER ME!"

"COMING! I got to go girls... Say hi to Mandy and Mason for me, and Riley you better stay away from that Niall" He hangs up before she can deny again.

"Well... I guess the singer story didn't work as well as I thought"

"You made kissy faces to the screen" She slaps me with her phone.

"You're going to have to tell them about him sooner or later"

"I pick later" She gets up ending the conversation

After Riley graduated high school and we graduate university, we all decided to shape our future out in Australia. Mandy and I got into medical school, Riley enrolled in an art school, and Mason took over his father's business making the family proud and redeeming their now saved relationship. We rented a nice house with a big basement where Riley and Mandy now live. Though it was hard to adjust at first, with Mandy and Riley's midnight cat fights that woke the entire neighborhood, and Riley sleeping in our guest bedroom when Zack comes to visit claiming she was too young to 'hear shit like that' but we made it work.

"Hey soon to be the best wife in the world," He says when he opens the door and sees me.

"Hey soon to be super husband" I smile at him as he plops down on the sofa

"What's for dinner?" He asks after giving me a kiss


"NO" Riley screams from the kitchen

"SHUT UP" I answer her

"How about we go out?" Mason suggests

"whose side are you on Clark?"

"Yours always baby" He kisses my pouty lips "Where's Mandy?"

"She's busy getting ready for Zack's arrival" Riley answers him as she leans on the doorway.

"I completely forgot he was coming today!" I put my hand in my hair widening my eyes.

"How can you possibly? Mandy mentions it every waking second" Riley shakes her head at me

"You're just jealous" Mason teases her

"Come on man, I used to like you... You're turning into a male Mia now!" Riley scolds him

"What's wrong with that?" I stick my tongue out to her

"It's lethal! If I witness progression of any kind I'm going to have to kill you"

"Deal" Mason laughs


"Baby you know I'd die for you"

"Yuck" Riley turns her back on us when I lean in to kiss him.

"Oh go call your leprechaun lover" Mason shoos her away and closes the distance between us

"I'M GOING TO BOIL MY EYEBALLS IF ANYONE NEEDS ME" she yells as she walks away

"The wedding planner called today, she's coming over to discuss traveling schedules," I tell him

"Oh yeah I asked her to come" He nods

"What aren't you telling me?"

He gives me a knowing smile before he continues "She's coming with us next week to check out the venue"

"I thought we decided it was going to be where your parents got married? That's like a ten-minute drive from here...Why would she want to discuss traveling schedules?"

"Because our wedding is going to be in Lebanon"

"What" My voice breaks

"Our wedding is going to be in-"

"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED IN LEBANON" I yell and stand up on the couch still not comprehending it.

He laughs when I jump on the couch and leap onto him "It's where we started" He whispers with his lips so close to mine "It means a lot to both of us"

"But Australia is your home" I brush his hair back to his eyes clearly.

"You're my home, Angel"

I crash my lips to him and shower his face with kisses; completely grateful for a man that understands the little things that mean the world to me.

Just a few years ago, I was a girl who is stuck in a continuous state of grief. I mourned over my loss of a happy ending. Now I am engaged to my own version of prince charming. My life only got better after that first day he almost crashed his car into mine. The day I became his.


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