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Hold it in Mia. I ring the doorbell. Do not cry. The door opens and I see Mason's face drop at the sight of my bloodshot eyes


Oh, fuck it. I crush him with a forceful hug and bawl out with a ramble of unrecognizable words and hiccups. He holds me tight to his chest without a word. After my cries die down a little, he carries me in straight to his room and drops me on his bed.

"Tell me who did this to you Angel" He lies next to me.

For some reason, words fail to come out of me. Maybe it's because he always told me that he feels Mandy is hiding something and I always jumped to her defense. Or maybe it's because I haven't come to terms with what happened yet to put it into words. For whatever reason, I stay silent staring at the ceiling above us. "Talk to me Mia" He whispers into my hair. His hand draws lazy circles on my stomach. When I don't respond, he sighs heavily "Is it Fin? Did he do this?"

"No, it's not Fin this time" He nods coaxing me to go on "It's Mandy..."


The first thought that occurs to me when I open my eyes is: Where am I? The second thought that occurs to me is: Mason is not in bed. My first time sleeping in his bed and he lets me wake up alone. Such a gentleman

"Mia!" His voice sounds from downstairs. Oh, there he is. "Baby you need to get ready. We have classes today!"

"Be down in a minute!" I yell back as I attempt to brush my teeth and put pants on at the same time. I run down to the living room almost tripping on the last two steps.

"Hi Muppet"

Kyle? "What are you doing here?"

"I asked him to come" Mason responds as he comes from the kitchen and stands behind me.

"We need to talk about everything" Kyle speaks

Now he wants to talk? "I thought you don't want anything to do with me. What changed?" He looks away. Unfortunately for him, he can never hide a thing from me. The years between us made him an open book to me. "You knew didn't you?" My voice is filled with accusation. I shake my head at him and turn to walk away but I bump into Mason's chest instead.

He holds my shoulders to steady me before I fall back "Hear him out" Great, a gentleman, and a meddler

"I don't want to"

"Too bad because you're going to" His voice leaves no room for argument. I give him a daring look and he returns it. "I'll be in the car waiting when you're done" He kisses my forehead and walks away before I can argue.

I stay put with my back turned to the hypocrite behind me. After I hear the front door slam shut, I turn around "You hypocritical ass! How dare you make me feel like I was the lousiest person on this planet by keeping a secret I had no right telling you about!" I push at his chest. "You looked at me with betrayal when you have been keeping the biggest secret from me!" I push at his chest again

"I'm sorry Muppet! She asked me not to tell you!"

"Oh well of course listen to the girl who killed your best friend!"

"It was best for you! You loved her!" He grabs my wrists "By the time I recognized her, you both were already really close. It would have crushed you!"

"Yeah because I'm dancing on rainbows now!"

"Muppet... She made a mistake"

I pull my wrists from his hold "Eating a week old pizza is a mistake Kyle. Killing someone is a murder and lying to me about it for years is a choice" My voice is finally down to a normal volume.

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