Chapter 19

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December 2020 (Ellie's 19 weeks)

"Buddy we get to see the baby today!"


"In a little bit." He smiled, crawling over to play with the baby. The baby gave a kick making Colin giggle.

"You two ready?"

"Yea." Jason walked over helping me up before taking Colin. We got in the car and headed off to the doctor's office. Since Christmas is next week we decided to keep the baby's gender a secret until then. The doctor is going to put it in an envelope and I'm going to wrap it for Christmas.

"Are you sure you want to wait to know?"

"No, but I think it will be fun to wait." I sighed.

"Best present finding out if you're having a daughter or another son." I nodded rubbing my hand over my belly feeling the baby. Once we got there Jason got Colin out and we went inside. I signed in while the boy's went to go play. Sighing I walked over and sat close to the boys.


"What baby?" I turned to him smiling.

"See baby."

"Soon bud, just have to wait for them to call momma's name." He nodded looking at his dad. Seeing the two of them together, I'm so grateful I have Jason here this time.

"Elizabeth Price."

"Come on buddy that's momma." I smiled, taking his hand in mine, as we walked back to the room.

"There's my favorite little man." I smiled as my aunt Faith walked into the room.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Bella's not feeling good, so I said I would take you."

"You do know that we're not finding out?"

"I do."

"And you're not allowed to tell my mom."

"I promise I won't. Today I am your doctor and not you're Aunt." I nodded as I lay on the table getting ready. Faith is not actually my aunt but she is my mom's best friend. Her mom is actually best friends with my nana. My middle name is Faith, because of her.

"There's the little one." I smiled as Jason squeezed my hand, looking at our baby.

"Can you tell what it is?" She nodded.

"I can, but I will let you two find out next later."

"Me see." Jason moved so Colin had a better view of his little sibling.

"See that, there's your baby brother or sister." I smiled seeing both my boy's watch the baby.

"Everything okay?"

"Yea, they are looking great." She smiled before handing me a cloth to wipe off my belly.

"How's your sister doing?"

"Ready to pop." I smiled.

"Maybe she will on Christmas."


We hung out for a little bit before heading home.

"I can't believe in this envelope our baby gender is."

"Not till next week babe."

"I know. I'm going to go wrap it." He nodded taking Colin to the living room. My phone went off so I quickly grabbed it.

"Hey momma." I smiled.

"Hey honey, just wanted to let you know Sophia is going to the hospital."

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