Letter 2

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Hehe they're so adorable. Song of the chapter is You're the best by Mamamoo

My alarm blares and I reach over to switch it off. 7:45 am. Why? Who decided to set it so early?
"Jimin hyung! Hurry up or there won't be any food left!" I hear Taehyung's voice through the door
I drag myself out of bed and literally crawl towards the kitchen where the other six are sitting. My eyes land on Jungkook who is talking in whispers with Hoseok hyung. Strange.
"Here Jimin-ah." Jin hyung hands me a plate loaded with food. BREAKFAST!!

Knock knock knock! The sound resonates through the house.
"Jungkook? That must be the mail, get it please?" Namjoon asks. Jungkook looks up from his food, glances and Hoseok and goes to get the mail.
I hear voices and some laughter at the door.
"Thank you ajusshi!" I hear Jungkook say. He enters the kitchen with the mail in his hands and a slight smile on his face.
"The ajusshi next door accidentally got our mail."

He hands most of the mail to Namjin but hands one to me.
"For you hyung." His hands are shaking slightly. Do I make him uncomfortable? He returns to his seat next to Hoseok who pats his back reassuringly.
"Is it another letter from your admirer?" Yoongi hyung asks. I shrug and open the envelope.
"It is!" Taehyung exclaims. "Read it out!"

Dear hyung,
Yes you're my hyung. Anyway, I saw you last night and you looked really happy, you were laughing at something one of the boys said. I love looking at your eye smile.
You don't know much about me so why don't I say a bit. I'm taller than you, brown hair and brown eyes, I sing and dance just like you! But you're much more talented compared to me! I love it when you sing. I like girl group dances and...already I've given too much you might know who I am.

I heard your conversation yesterday, you are right I know you and you know me.

Keep smiling and laughing Jiminie hyung!!
Love from
No one

"Well then..." I say quietly.
"If Jimin knows them maybe we know them too?" Hoseok asks.
"I-I agree with hyung. If Jimin knows them we must at least know their face?" Jungkook says quietly.
Everyone nods.
"Alright. Enough now it's time to get ready we have practice in 45 minutes. We have a tight schedule today.  Let's get moving!" Jin hyung says while clapping his hands. We all get up.
"Yes mom." I say which earns me a smack on the back of my head.
"It's true!" I say rubbing my head. Ouch.

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It's fun to write!
If you spot anything grammatically wrong please say so!!

Letters From No One {JiKook} (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now