Birthday surprises

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Say the name SEVENTEEN!
This is the 17th part and I really looooove SEVENTEEN.
The book is almost over...ahhhhhhhhh

Jimin looks so amazing in our dances it's hard to focus. We're just sitting in the waiting room before our first performance of blood sweat and tears.

Jimin is walking with a little camera filming the guys like he normally does. He's so cute it physically hurts me.

"Jungkook-ah!" Jimin shouts and shoves the camera in my face. "Are you exited about this comeback?" I look at him behind the camera, he's got a grin on his face and it just makes me happy. His smile is so infectious and I caused me to smile.
"Yes! I'm so excited! I hope the fans give us lots of love!" I smile and shoot heats at the camera. Jimin giggles and says something about the fans but I stop listening. I just admire his smiling face.

It's now time for our stage and I'm shaking . Not from nerves, no from excitement! I love being on stage.
We've just finished and we're coming back to change for our next stage, 21st century girls.

We head to the stage for the pre recording. We are just milling about on stage when one of the staff says through a mic: "okay everyone! We are just going to film this and then, because it's Jimin's birthday, have the fans wish him a happy birthday. Okay?"
We all motion okay 👌🏾 and get in our places for the dance.

The music cues us and we start.


"Well done boys!" The PD-nim says to us. "Happy birthday Jimin-ssi!"
That cues the audience to start singing happy birthday.

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Jimin!
Happy birthday to you!

While the fans were singing to Jimin I quietly slipped off stage to grab a proper microphone and remove the other one.
"Jungkook?" I hear Jimin's voice. I grab the last letter and step out onto stage with it in my hand.

I clear my throat and start reading the letter.


It was promised that you'd find out the identity of your secret admirer on your birthday.

I pause and look at him. He's looking at me very attentively. He hasn't figured it out yet. I glance at the others and the three who didn't know seem to be piecing it together.

Today is your birthday, and therefore the identity of your admirer will be revealed.
Let me describe him for you, see if you can guess.


"...see if you can guess." Jungkook reads from the letter in his hands. He looks up at me and I nod for him to continue.

He takes as deep breath as if to calm himself.
"This boy has brown hair and brown eyes, he's got a big-ish nose that suits his face, bunny teeth when he smiles and he's taller than you." He pauses there. Again he looks up at me and gives a shy smile that shows his cute bunny teeth...

My jaw drops as I connect the dots in my head. Jungkook? It was him the whole time?
"Happy birthday hyung?" He says, but it comes out more like a question.

Jin hyung hands me a mic and I lift it to my lips to speak.
"It was you. The whole time it was you?" I say and begin to walk towards him. He nods, a blush coating his neck and cheeks.

I grab the mic out of his hand, turn both off and place them on the ground.
I look at Jungkook but he doesn't meet my gaze.
"It's okay if you don't accept my confession. I wasn't expecting you to." He says as he fiddled with the hem of his shirt.

"No I don't want to hear it. It's okay because I've told you how I feel and-" I grab his chin and force him to look at me.

"Jungkookie. I haven't said anything yet." I smile at him and he relaxes slightly.
"Okay. "
"I'm glad that it was you, and not some random person. I'm happy that it's you because I feel the same. When I look at you my heart soars, when we cuddle I feel at home. I've come to realize that I love you and I live for every moment we have together." I pause to take a breath.
"Jungkook I-"
"Hyung. Be my boyfriend?" He cuts me off. I'm taken aback but I nod and smile.

He squeals and jumps up and down on the spot. He's so cute honestly. He then reaches out to grab my waist and pull me closer to him. In return I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his head closer.
"I live for us too hyung." He says before he closes the gap between us and kisses me.

It's sweet, gentle and not rushed. His lips are soft against mine and seem to convey every emotion at once. His lips begin to move against mine and I tangle my fingers in his soft hair, pulling him ever closer.

Jungkook breaks away breathing heavily. He smiles at me with a loving look in his heavily lidded eyes and rests his forehead against mine.

That's when everything erupts. The fans start cheering and whistling, the boys are shouting as well. Everything is in chaos around us, but we remain in our position, eyes closed and in our own little world of happiness.


Jungkook confessed!!
I'm probably only going to do 20 chaps? I dunno. That was cringey. I'm dying...oml


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