Epilogue: Young Forever

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Part 1


"Sanha! Be careful!" I yell at my 5 year old son who's currently running through a sprinkler in our front yard.
"Leave him be hyung! He's going to be fine!" Jungkook says as he walks up behind me and wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me too him.

"Appa! Appa look! Look at what I can do!" Sanha says as runs and rolls along the grass under the sprinkler giggling madly.
"So cool Sanha!" Jungkook shouts back and claps his hands.
"Eomma, Appa, I'm cold." Sanha comes running up onto the porch shivering, he's so cute.

I reach behind me onto the table and pull a towel off it and wrap it around Sanha, rubbing my hands up and down (exid) to create some warmth for my baby.
"T-thanks Eomma!" His teeth are chattering so hard he can barely speak.
"Come one sweetie let's get you warmed up in a nice bath!" I lead Sanha inside and upstairs to the bathroom. I get him to strip while I fill his bath.
"Can I have bubbles Eomma?" He asks doing a little bit of aegyo. I laugh at him and pinch his cheeks, he reminds me a lot of Jungkook.

I grab the bath bomb and drop it on. Sanha shouts in awe and giggles, I help him get in the bath and start to wash his hair while he plays with the colorful bubbles in the water.

Once Sanha's all cleaned up and dressed in his pajamas, we make our way downstairs. Jungkook has just finished setting the table and all the food is on the table.
"Appa! Eomma let me use bubbles in the bath! It was so pretty!" Sanha runs up into Jungkook's arms.
"Did he?" Sanha nods vigorously. "Lucky baby! Eomma doesn't let me use them!" Jungkook says as he places Sanha in his seat for dinner.


"Goodnight baby, sleep well." I say as Jungkook puts a very sleepy Sanha in his bed and places a kiss on his forehead.

I am standing in the doorway to Sanha's bedroom watching my husband of 6 years tuck in our child.
Jungkook finishes tucking in Sanha and makes his way to me. He guides me out of the room and closes the door behind him.

He wraps me in his arms and pulls me close. He put his face in my hair by my ears and I wrap my arms tightly around his neck. Jungkook begins to sway us side to side. We stay in the hallway outside our sons room for a while, just enjoying the knowledge that we have a family now.

We slowly pull apart and walk to our own bedroom at the end of the hall. We quickly change into pajamas (Jungkook's consisting of just sweatpants, and mine boxers and one of his old shirts), brush out teeth -we make funny faces at each other in the mirror, we laugh so hard that I choke on toothpaste- and crawl into bed together.

Jungkook pulls me so that I am literally lying on top of him. I rest my head on his shoulder and trace random patterns on his chest. I sigh and look up at Jungkook's perfectly chiseled face.

"I love you Jungkookie," I say, he puts two fingers under my chin and lifts my face up, he brings his face down and meets my lips halfway.

I love the way he kisses me, sweet and soft, but at the same time it's full of passion and want. He never fails so send fireworks down my body and light my skin in fire with the smallest touches.

Jungkook flips us so he's hovering above me and deepens the kiss, his tongue slipping into my mouth as I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist to pull him even closer so that every part of us is touching.

We pull away when we need air. He leans his forehead against mine with his eyes still closed, I smile and lean up and quickly peck his lips. He giggles and pulls me back into his chest so that half my body is on top of his. This is how we normally sleep.

"I love you Jimin. I'm glad we're married." He says as he reaches to turn off the lamp, plunging the room into darkness.

"I'm glad we're married too."

Next morning

"Eomma! Eomma wake up!!" Sanha jumps on the bed next to me and starts to shake me.
I grab him and pull him onto my arms where he starts to squirm around to get me up.
"Okay monkey I'm awake!" I say and sit up with Sanha still in my arms.
"Yay! Appa made pancakes!"
"Did he now?" I say and I get up, I carry Sanha in my hip downstairs.

Jungkook cooes at us when I walk into the kitchen.
"Here come my two favorite people in the entire world." He says and envelopes us in a big Jungkook sized bear hug.

Sanha starts to giggle, he kisses both of our cheeks and begins to chant "pancakes" so I set him down and he runs to the table. Once he's sitting down he begins to devour the Nutella pancakes on his plate, successfully covering his face in chocolate.

Jungkook and I stand together watching our son eat his breakfast.

This is my most beautiful jmoment in life, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Should I write an epilogue for each couple? Or just one more for all of them??

A/n Should I write an epilogue for each couple? Or just one more for all of them??

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Letters From No One {JiKook} (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now