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Sexy ChimChim for you!!
He's so beautiful!!

Today is not a good day. I can't seem to do anything right! We were working on our choreography for one of the songs we have to perform and I just couldn't seem to get it right! Our choreographer was so mad at me. Ugh.

Now I'm sitting in the recording boot banging my head against the wall in frustration. Namjoon hyung and I are working on my solo song but...nothing is working.
"Jungkook?" Namjoon hyung opens the door. "It's late so I'm going to head back to the dorm, are you coming?"
"No, I think I might stay longer and practice some." I reply while closing my eyes.
"Arasso. Just don't stay too late okay? Jin hyung will murder the both of us." He pats my shoulder in a fatherly way and leaves the studio.

Sometimes it all gets a little too much (a/n Shawn Mendes) you know? I have to always be perfect! Being the "Golden Maknae", the center of the formations and main vocal. It honestly feels like the entire world is resting on my shoulders.

I drag myself to my feet and start the playback of Paper Hearts. My cue comes and I sing.
I don't notice I'm crying until I'm in the middle of the chorus. It's just hard. I have to be perfect for the fans, and now I have to hope that I won't get hated by Jimin when I come out to him.

The song ends and I collapse onto the floor of the booth sobbing. The door bursts open and I'm engulfed by a warm, loving embrace and I slowly come undone.

Jimin (ooooooh another POV...)

I look up as the door to the dorm opens, only Namjoon hyung walks in. No Jungkook.
"Hyung! Where's Jungkook?" I ask.
"He wanted to stay behind at the studio to practice."
"Namjoon!" Jin hyung scolds.
"I know, but he looked like he just needed some time alone." Namjoon says as he walks to me and plops down on an armchair.
Jin sighs.
"Jimin would you? It'll take time to get there..." I nod and grab my jacket and shoes and walk out the door.

I hail a taxi and ask him to take me to the studio where we work. We arrive in record time. I pay the driver and rush into the building. I get in an elevator (a/n remember kids be safe and wear your elevator. For those who get it MVP) and hit the 7th floor button.

I walk into the studio and hear Jungkook's melodic voice filling the room. He's singing Paper Hearts...he must be feeling down. His eyes are closed so he doesn't know that I'm here.

I move closer to the glass spectating the two rooms only to notice he's got tears running down his face. Oh...

The song ends and he collapses, sobbing, onto the ground. I rush into the booth and wrap him in my arms. He cuddles into my chest and sobs.

He cries for a while. Each sob wracking his body and breaking my heart. When he finally calms down a bit, he pulls away from my chest slightly.
"Are you okay Jungkook?" I ask, worry lacing my voice. He shakes his head slightly. I raise my eyebrows for him to continue.
"I'm just feeling a lot of pressure hyung. Pressure to be the best." He wipes his nose with the back of his hand. "Also today hasn't been the greatest. I keep getting things wrong, and it kind of added to the pressure and I guess I just broke." He says.

I don't reply, instead I wrap my arms around him and pull him to my chest. I rub circles into his back and whisper nothing into his ear to calm him down.
"Don't worry're perfect." I whisper. I feel him smile into my chest.

After a while, our breathing begins to slow down. Good. Just as I'm about to doze off, Jungkook whispers something: "I love you hyung."
I don't react because I'm not sure he actually said that.

I drift into oblivion with those words ringing into my ears.

I felt inspired (infires man)
So... what do you think??
Kris Wu's song July is playing in my head.  (Fighting)
I think this is longer that my last chap... wooo

Letters From No One {JiKook} (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now