Letter 4

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I am totally having writers block so bear with me...

"H-hyung this is for you." Jungkook says as he walks into our shared room.
I reach out and take it from him causing our fingers to brush together. He quickly pulls his hand away and his face turns red. Huh.
I quickly read through it and blush.

"W-what does it say hyung?" Does he always stutter when he talks to me?

Dear love,
I don't know why I wrote that but eh!
I feel like I don't appreciate you as much as I should...so I went shopping with a friend and he told me that this would totally be perfect for you.
I wrote a song for you...I'll perform it on your birthday.

Anyway enjoy your little gift from me.
Love from
No one

I look up at Jungkook and notice him playing with his fingers. I look again into the envelope and inside is my favorite lip balm flavor.
"How did they know that I needed more lip balm? And how did they know my favorite flavor?" I exclaim
"Maybe they're closer than you think hyung." Jungkook says.
"Huh?" I say.
Jungkook just shakes his head and gets up. He walks towards our shared closet and grabs some clothes.
"I'm going to shower hyung." He says.
I just nod.

What did he mean that they might be closer than I think? Is it weird that I kind of wish that I didn't get these letters and that I could just have Jungkook?

Ugh. I flop into my bed and scream into my pillow. I need to sort my head out.

I still have no idea what I'm doing

Hope you enjoy!

Letters From No One {JiKook} (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now