You miss him?

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"You must go sleep now, Per." You told him as he laid down on his bed. You put a pillow and a blanket on the floor beside his bed for you to sleep on.

After that, you leaned on the windowsill and sighed as you looked over the beautiful moon.

"Sis..." he spoke out, and you hummed in response. "...I can't sleep."

"Well what do you want me to do?" You asked, turning around to see him looking back at you while his body is under the covers.

He smiled like a little child. "I want you to tell me a bedtime story."

That made you smile back, as a nostalgic memory came back to you.


You put a thick blanket over his body and planted a little kiss over his forehead.

But before you left him from his bedroom, he spoke up "Sis... i can't sweep (sleep)."

You sighed and sat on the edge of his bed. "Well, what am I gonna do?"

"Stowey! Stowey! (Story)" He insisted like a baby.

"Okay. There was a fairy that changes the loose tooth into a coin. And that fairy was no other than--" You got cut off when Percy did a loud raspberry.

"That's a wame stowy. Tooth faiwies awen't weal." He said.


But you have no reason to miss it, because you're already back to human, with your little Percy. "Sure, Per."

You sat down on the edge of his bed. He looked at me, preparing to listen. "Once upon a time... there was a girl who died, but reincarnated again as an immortal. She felt alone and curious, but one guy answered her questions. Same as her, he's an immortal. They became friends. They always hangout. He even helped her to go to her past. She did to him, too. He's the reason why she should think that she's not alone. But then, conflict did happened to them. It happened twice, actually. So therefore, it'd be "conflicts". They did get through it. But on the last conflict, the girl turned back to a human, but still remembers her memory when she was an immortal. Although, he can't stay with her, since he's still an immortal. So he had to let her go by dropping her off in front of a house of her family."

"Will they see each other again?" Percy asked you. You just managed to smile and shrug your shoulders a bit.

"Sis. You miss him, don't you?" He asked another question. You just stared down on him.

Tears swelled up on you. "Yes..."

"Hey, uh... Elizabeth told me that the winter will come soon. That means... Jack will visit you!" Percy announced to you.

You smiled weakly. "Really? I can't wait." But deep inside, you're still depressed, because you don't know when's that 'soon' Percy just told you.

"Go to sleep, Per. Good night."

Frost and Flame 2 (Jack Frost) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now