Chapter 37

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Walking into the limo that Hale undoubtedly owned I couldn't keep my eyes off of Macey.

Her, in that dress, I was having trouble breathing.

As we all piled in I could swear I saw her smirk at me.

"Here's everyone's comms," Kat handed us each the little black ear pieces once we were all seated, "If anything goes wrong remember to make sure you let everyone know what's going on."

"Liz and Simon you guys need to pay attention to let us know if there's anything we should watch out for. That means no distractions," Kat continued.

"Of-Of course," Liz stuttered, a blush creeping into her cheeks.

To be honest, I was loving Kat's new take-charge attitude. It was kid of hot.

"Dempsey. The fate of this is basically resting in your hands so please don't screw anything up," She pleaded.

"Oh don't worry, I won't," I said, putting my hands behind my neck.

"Seriously kid," Hale's eyes turned as black as his suit, "Mess this up and I'll snap your neck."

"Sounding a bit like Macey now are we," I scoffed.

Macey rolled her eyes as if to say she couldn't deny it.

"Hey guys," Simon spoke up,"Not sure how important this may be but the hallway that leads to the Duchess' room from the left has extra cameras so if you could avoid it that's probably be best."

"Got it Simon," Zach shook his head in agreement.

"If we do this right we'll be one step closer to getting that chip," Kat said.

It was weird, there was nothing in it for her but she seemed so determined.

Maybe she just liked helping people.

But something told me, that wasn't it.


We got into the ball with complete ease as Hale simply just said his name which prompted the guard to let us in.

"Ok everyone, you know the drill," Kat whispered into the comms as we walked off in different directions.

"Dempsey," Simon started, "The Duchess will be wearing a long gold dress and well she'll have a tiara on."

"Yeah I figured," I rolled my eyes.

It wasn't long before I spotted the brunette girl in the gold dress with the diamond tiara resting upon her head. She had a smile plastered on her face as she talked to what looked like important officials. I knew what that was like.

"Excuse me," I said with a small bow,"May I please steal her?"

She looked shocked as the men walked away politely.

"Do I know you?" Her accent extremely thick.

"No. But I was hoping we could change that. May I have this dance?"

As I pulled her out onto the dance floor Kat said in the comms, "Good job Dempsey."

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