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A while ago on "Ties and Spies"...


As everyone piled of the jet when we landed I pulled Kat to stay inside for a minute. She hadn't said a word while we were planning and I was worried, really worried. 

"Kat," I said slowly, "What's going on?"

"That list. My dad has been wanting to steal that list for years," Kat whispered. 

"Wait you're not thinking about, giving it to him, are you?!" I said bewildered. 

"Hale, he's spent his entire career looking for this!"

"Kat, we're here to help Zach not make his problem bigger."

"How well do we even really know him? He could be a bad guy."

"He goes to school with Macey I think he's trustworthy," I said plainly. 

"Since when did we all of a sudden trust Macey so much?" Kat spat. 

"And when did we start promising people things and then planning to deceive them?" I countered. 

"I didn't PROMISE Zach anything. I said I would help. And I will help get the chip. And besides Zach doesn't look too worried," Kat said through gritted teeth. 

"Actually," Kat snapped, " Maybe if you weren't so busy staring at Macey you would have noticed."

That was a low-blow. I could feel the blood rush out of my face and my anger rising. Whenever Kat and I got into fights I would always lose my temper and yell. 

"You're being such a..." I started and then Macey appeared in the doorway.

"If you guys could save your little polemic for later that would be great," she said, placing her hand on her hip. 

"Of course," Kat glared, and followed Macey down the steps and onto the runway. 

As I made my way down the steps I looked out at D.C. It truly was one of America's most beautiful cities. And now it was about to witness one of America's best heists. 


As I walk up to the quaint cafe, I can't help but be nervous. 

I haven't seen my father in months and I wonder if he had gotten himself into any trouble. 

The cold France air sends chills up my spine and I pull my black coat tighter around me. 

"May I please have a table for two?" I ask the hostess in fluent French,"Preferably outside."

She gives me a look as if to ask if I am crazy to want to sit outside in this weather but then leads me to a table outside anyways. 

I order a black coffee and a buttery croissant from the waitress that comes and takes my order.

Five minutes pass by and I look down at the silver watch Hale had gotten me for my sixteenth birthday. 

My dad was supposed to meet me 

a little over 10 minutes ago and he wasn't the type to be late.

Just as I start to consider all the worst possible situations I hear a voice say, "Katarina."

"Dad?" I turn around and see the man I know as my father. 

Bobby Bishop in the flesh. 

"Hey kiddo," He smiles at me warmly. 

"How have you been?" I smile back at him as he takes a seat. 

He looks a little too pale, or maybe it was just the cold. 

"Good, you?"

Just then the waitress arrives with my black coffee and croissant. I watch as her eyes linger a little too long on my father as she pulls out a pen and notepad.

"And what would you like Sir?"

My dad holds his hand up politely, "Nothing, thank you." 

The waitress then walks away and I notice her glance back to steal a few more looks at him. 

"Sweetheart. I have to leave very soon. Do you have it?"

I can't help the disappointed look that crosses my face. I was looking forward to having a nice lunch with my Dad. 

"Yes I do," I reply with a small smile. 

I think about Hale's words. This list wasn't supposed to go to anyone. If it got out, Zach and likely Townsend, could get in big trouble. And after working with Zach, I feel bad for betraying him. 

I shake my head of the thoughts. Bobby Bishop wouldn't just use this list for anything. 

I reach into my cost pocket and pull out the small grey flash drive I had copied the list onto. 

"Thank you Katarina," He whispers, eyes never leaving the flash drive. 

"This cannot ever get into the wrong hands," I hiss at him. 

"It won't."

And in one swift movement he takes the flash drive out of my hand and has it in his pocket in the blink of an eye. 

"Thanks again, kiddo."

I watch as my father stands up, kisses me briefly on the forehead, and walks smoothly out of the cafe. 

I glance at my watch. I promised Macey that I would meet her for some "hardcore shopping" as she put it. 

Nothing wrong in being early. I stand up, slap €10 on the table, and walk out. 

I didn't notice the pretty blonde woman at the corner table with the sunglasses on who was reading her newspaper for much too long.

COMPLETED: Jan 25th, 2014

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