Chapter 49

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Strolling into CIA headquarters that day had possibly been the fastest any of us had gotten through security. We just wanted to get the mission over with. I took a peak at the odd crew as we navigated through eternal work stations and medical centers and people in lab coats. Kat and Hale both wore the same looks of wonder on their faces: beautiful history, deadly secretive. Macey held her head high as her hips sashayed confidently at a job well done. And Dempsey... well, he looked lost in thought. 

We rounded another corner and came up short to a very tall, very beautiful, very red haired woman. 

The words were out of Macey before I could stop her, "Abby!" 

The papers Abigail Cameron had been holding shifted in her hand so she could greet her nieces best friend and old assignment. 

They hugged, and then I found myself wrapped up in her arms aswell. Clearly, no one had spoken to her of my affairs recently. 

"Abby, this is Dempsey. You met Kat and Hale a while ago, remember?" 

Her radient smile was enough of an answer. She shook Dempsey's hand and actually started having a conversation. Well, she tried to start a conversation. 

"Aunt Abby do you mind scanning the rest of these too? I forgot them in- Oh." 

Cammie glanced up from the folder she was rifling through and looked straight into my eyes. Those emeralds bore within me, filled with light and rimmed in dark circles. Her hair hung around her face in a nice frame, but with wearing black jeans and a slim shirt, it was obvious her figure had become even smaller. My hands itched at my side to reach out to her, to apologize and beg on my knees for her to take me back. I then chastised myself- I had Kat. 

But with the way her body stood still with her heart in her eyes, it felt like someone had just opened up a huge gash in my chest and tore her away from me. 

I hadn't noticed how much time had passed until another running figure came towards us, swearing in a lovely British accent, "I don't bloody care which one. Just make sure she's safe, and for God's sake, remember to check the underside of the plane. Likewise. Goodbye." Bex put down the phone she had been running with and gestured to us. "Well it's about time. I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up." She hugged Macey, and I almost expected my second closest friend to give me a warm smile and a tight embrace, but her easy expression turned cold as she went to stand by Cammie, who was handing the rest of the folder to Abby and beginning to back away. 

"I'm sorry, I have to go. I have a flight to Berlin in twenty minutes. It was great seeing you guys." Her fists were balls at her sides, and she stopped only to give Bex and Macey a hug and a promise to call when she landed. She gave me one last, long look before saying to Abby, "I'll meet you on the platform soon." 

"I certainly will, kiddo," An interested Abby said at the scene before her. And she turned around, each footstep leaving a wider gap between us. I knew if she kept walking, I would never get her back. 

So that's why I swore in Farsi and took off down the hall after her. Cammie turned just in time to steady me. Always in sync. Frantic eyes searched mine, and the only thing I could say was, "Wait." Her eyes danced around to see the view we had attracted. And then when they focused on me, I lost it. My lips pressed on hers, sensing endless shocks through my body at how much I needed her. It burned not to have her near me. And now, with her hands in my hair and torso lined against mine, everything turned to fire. 

I reluctantly pulled away and started rambling, "I'm so sorry. I can't-I was an idiot. I admit it. What I said to you wasn't right." She winced at the memory, and I continued, "But i'm here. You hear that, Cam? I'm here. I love you." 

Close to desperation, her whole body shivered, and she leaned her whole body into me. My arms wrapped around her, fitting perfectly as they always had. Because I would always belong with her. Her words were muffled and difficult to hear, but then again, they were only meant for me. "I love you."

The rest of the gang was handing the chip back to Townsend, who was sitting behind a desk. He glanced up at me and gave me a hint of a smile. I didn't dare look at anyone else. Not Kat. Not when everything was out of control. Speaking of control, my father said, "I trust you've made a decision?" 

I nodded tersley and looked at the room around me. "We're in." 

I had two weeks off. That was the only thing I could think. Two whole weeks to do anything I wanted to.  

And as an amusing thought occured to me, I was beginning to think stopping in Berlin for breakfast didn't seem like a bad way to start it.

note: sorry for any grammar or spelling errors! also, ONLY ONE CHAPTER LEFT! 

chapter 50 will be full of a few plot surprises, i hope you enjoy it! xx

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