Chapter 44

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I hurried down the large staircase to catch Kat as she was walking out of the door. 

"Where are you going?" I asked, grabbing her arm.  

"Just out for a quick walk." She answered politely.  

"Can I join? I want to talk to you."  

She nodded wordlessly and looked at her feet. Something told me she didn't want me around but I had to talk to her. So much had happened. With Hale's and my fight, and the whole scene with Cammie I hadn't had time to ask Kat how she felt about all of this. Especially since I had told Hale that she could be mine. Maybe I was crazy but maybe I was falling for her. Her short black hair, her adorable smile, and her generally shy demeanor drew me to her. I was used to girls who knew what they wanted and held back nothing. Kat was in control of things but she still had a very girly side to her. And I really liked it. At first I wouldn't admit it to myself but after I nearly dented Hale's face over her I realized I couldn't deny it.  

I was in love with Cammie, but I liked Kat.  

"Um are we going to go?" Kat said glancing up at me.  

I realized I had just been standing there awkwardly.  

"Yeah of course." I said, cursing under my breath.  

The warmness of the sun and the cool breeze hit my skin at the same time as I stepped outside. Wales truly was a beautiful country.  

Once we started walking on the small path I decided I had to start the conversation.  

"I'm sorry about the fight with Hale," I admitted. 

"It's okay. You were protecting me." She said, looking down.  

"Well, he was being rude," I chuckled slightly.  

"Exactly." Kat smiled.  

"So how are you going to fix things with Cammie?" Kat continued.  

"I'm not sure. I'm at a really tough spot at the moment." 


"Because I'm torn between you and her." 

Once those words came out of my mouth I swore I though Kat would almost fall on her face but she kept composed. 

I decided to press on. 

"I can't hide it anymore. I have feelings for you. I wasn't planning on having feelings for you but... I like you Kat. " The words tumbled out.  

Kat stopped and turned to look at me. The breeze blew her hair everywhere and she reached up to tuck a lock behind her ear.  

I stopped and looked down at the girl who barely topped 5ft.  

"It's your decision to make Zach." She said very matter-of-factly.  

And before I knew what I was doing I leaned down and kissed her.  

My hands went up into her short hair and she stood on her tippytoes to lessen the height difference. Her blue eyes were steady and calming, fluttering shut as my lips met hers. It was short and sweet and lingering, so unlike the many kisses I had shared with Cammie-I shouldn't be thinking about her. Kat pulled away smoothly, a small smile still playing on her full pink lips.  

Suddenly, I spotted a man in the distance with his hands in his pockets.  

"Who is that?" Kat asked.  

"My father." 


Townsend sat on the couch in front of all of us glancing at all of us. He rubbed his hands on his  

knees seeming almost, nervous.  

"So this is your...Dad?" Hale said, breaking the uncomfortable silence.  

"Biological." Townsend answered.  

"Why are you here?" Dempsey folded his arms across his chest.  

I knew I should be the one asking the questions, but for some reason I couldn't bring myself up to it. 

"You guys are on the mission for the chip right?" Townsend asked.  

"Yeah." I answered.  

"Well there's been a slight... problem." He continued.  

"Problem?" Macey leaned forward on the couch. "What problem?" 

"Julia Einhart. Started with the CIA at 20 years old. Worked for 10 years before going rogue," Townsend explained.  

"Rogue?" Simon's eyes glistened. 

"She became-- Well you see-- She became a thief." 

I could feel Kat stiffen beside me and Hale's jaw clenched.  

Simon let out a long breath.  

"She's been running rampant. She's hit at least 10 museums around the world stealing precious pieces of art. She's good. Very good." 

"So why are you telling us this?" Hale asked harshly.  

Townsend scratched his hair nervously, "I know some things, about you and your friends." 

"Oh really," Kat joined,"Such as?" 

Townsend looked at her with steady eyes.  

"You're thieves. More than that, you're good thieves. And that's why I want you to help." 

"It'd be like this," Townsend continued, "Zach in charge. Just you guys. I thought maybe you'd enjoy it." 

I ran my hands through my hair.  

Did I really want to go on another mission. There had already been so much drama. And my feelings for Kat. Spending more time with her would only intensify them.  

"Um," Liz started timidly, "Simon and I have something to tell everyone." 

Everyone's eyes turned to the petite blonde and her new brainy boyfriend.  

"We found these amazing classes at Oxford. And Simon's already been there so we thought we'd try it out. It's 2 different 3 month courses. Just to expand our knowledge," Liz smiled at Simon.  

"So if you guys decide to do this mission, that's great. But Liz and I will be leaving for London in a week," Simon explained.  

"Wow this is a lot for one day," Macey sighed.  

"We'll get back to you," Kat answered Townsend.  

He looked at me, as if waiting for my mark of approval.  

"We'll get back to you," I replied, "Right now we have a job to finish."

note: hehehe i feel like people are going to be mad at me for the first half of this chapter, but i hope you enjoy it! and also don't forget to check out insta for pictures correlating to the chapter! 

thank you so much for over 900 reads! if i hit 1000 reads by tonight, I'll update tomorrow! if not, I'll just update Saturday!xx

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