Chapter 1

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Beep, beep, beep my alarm sounds to wake me up for work. I hit the clock and turn over to get a few more minutes but my bed buddy, Zeke, starts licking my face and nudging his nose again my neck. I don't know why I try to get a few minutes extra when I know he is going to prevent it.

"Alright Zekey, I'm up." I get out of bed rubbing his head. I sit on the edge for a minutes, rubbing my hands along my face, trying to get my bearings before getting up. I ruffle through all of my work clothes in my closet and pull out a white pant suit for the day. After hanging it on the bathroom door, I go down stairs to feed Zeke.

I walk to the kitchen and grab the scoop to fill Zeke's bowl for him and he looks up at me expectantly. His tail is waving against my cabinet door, making a thumping sound.  His head goes into the bowl as soon as the food hits the bottom, knocking some food into the floor. He can be such a pig sometimes. He uses a lot of energy running around my apartment destroying all of the stuffed animals in his path, so he needs the extra substance.

"I hope you know, you are the one that is going to be cleaning that up." I raise my eyebrows and point to the pile of food in the floor. He puts his head down in the bowl and gives me the puppy dog eyes that I can never resist, while chewing. Smart dog.

I get out the eggs and bacon to start making my breakfast. My stomach starts talking as the smell of the bacon cooking wisps throughout the kitchen. I make a pot of coffee and set the sugar and creamer out from the cabinet. I don't think I could live without it in the mornings. Coffee gives me that much needed extra boost to get going in the morning. Otherwise, I feel like I am in a zombie state until I get some.

I plate my food and sit at the island to eat my breakfast and read the comics in the newspaper.  Zeke looks up at me with drool pooling on the floor in front of him.

"MMM, this is so delicious. I really wish you you could taste this." He puts his chin on my leg and whines. It does make me feel bad but he helped me eat my ranch chicken last night and I don't want him to get a belly ache.

I laugh at how stupid one of the comics are and Zeke looks up at me like I am an idiot. I just smile at him and put my dishes in the dishwasher, then head up stairs to take my shower and get ready for work. 

I stand under the warm water, letting it wash the cherry blossom bubbles down my body. The warmth soaking into my cool skin, sending chills throughout my body. It feels so good that I have to force myself out to get dressed.

I stand in front of the foggy mirror trying to use my towel to clear it. Looking at my 5'7  frame, trying to find a hairstyle for my long blonde hair that I like. After I try a few, I just decide to throw it in a messy bun and head out of the door to work. 

"Be a good boy today, Zeke. I don't want to come home to a mess again." I kiss his forehead and go out the door.

As I walk out the front door of my apartment I see my best friend, Hailie, and her boyfriend, Keilan, up against the wall by my door, kissing. I clear my throat with a smile to let them know I am there. I remember the first night they met, two years ago at the bar she took me to after my boyfriend cheated with one of my friends. 


We were so messed up after shooting shot after shot of whiskey. Her and I were trying to play a game of pool but neither actually knew how. We were just hitting the balls around the table. We noticed two guys staring at us from the bar then turning to talk to each other. 

They didn't look like they were worth our time but why the hell not have a little fun tonight. I deserve it after what I have been through. We kept playing until I notice them get up and head our way with four shots on a tray in their hands. I elbow Hailie and she shrugs her shoulder and says "Free shots."

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