Chapter 16

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I sit on the side of the dock silently hoping that they will love it and that tonight will all go as planned. I watch as the sun starting to set as Kaiden pulls up with the food and champagne.

We hurriedly put the food on the plate and fill the glasses up. Once that is done we hear Keilans car pull up. I take a deep breath, Here we go.

We go into the cabin to give them some privacy until he is ready to propose. Kaiden and I are snuggled up on the couch watching Emma and Zeke play together. I can't help but laugh when Emma sits down on Zekes back.

Finally I get a text from Keilan saying he is about to propose and we all quietly go back down to the dock. When Keilan sees us he bends down on one knee and begins.

" Hailie Nicole Braswell, I have waited all my life to find someone like you. I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. You make me want to be a better person for you.
I love you simply because you are my life and I honestly can't imagine how I lived without you."

"I want you to hold my hand as we grow old together. I want to be able to wake up to see your beautiful face every morning and know that you will be mine forever."

"I know this has been a long time coming but will you please give me the chance to be the luckiest man alive and be my wife" he says while staring into her eyes. She has a big smile on her and a tear rolling down her face.

" Keilan, I am the luckiest woman alive to even have you in my life and the fact that you want to be with me forever just makes me that more lucky. Yes, a thousand times yes I would love to be your wife" she says to him.

He stands and she jumps into his arms with the brightest smile I have even seen on her beautiful face. I cant help but cry for joy. Keilan motions for us to come over with them so we go over and give them a big hug.

" You two did an extravagant job on this, thank you so much. I really owe you for this. It is ravishing" he whispers to me. After we are all done hugging, Kaiden tells Keilan about the cabin we rented for the night and hands him the key to it. We say our goodnights and leave them to celebrate together.

The next morning I get up and take a shower and get ready for the day. I get Zekes leash and some water bottles and head to the track at the park. We run for quite a while then play fetch.

I see Kaidens truck pull up and we go over to say hi and play with Emma. We go to the slide first then the swings. She laughs so hard when we go to the merry go round. I hold her and Kaidens pushes us around.

I laugh at the sound of her giggles. It is just contagiously adorable. Then Kaiden asks if he can talk to me so we got to the picnic bench and sit.

He tells me that him and Emma are leaving in two days. He has to go to Paris for three weeks for his construction company.

I get kind of upset but try not to show it. I have gotten pretty attached to him amd Emma and it is going to suck because I won't be able to see them for three whole weeks.

I dont know what I am going to do with myself. I dont want to be rude so I tell him to have fun and bring me back something and that is when he asks me to join him and Emma on their trip.

I immediately jump up and hug his neck and kiss his cheek. I tell him excitedly that I would go with them. I realize I am letting my emotions get the best of me so I try to calm down a little bit.

He says he needs me to watch Emma while they are there but I think it is just an excuse because I could just keep her here. I am excited none the less. I get to go to the most romantic city in the world with the two people I care about the most. I have a permanent smile on my face now.

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