Chapter 17

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Me and Zeke are going to stay at Kaiden's tonight and help him pack his and Emmas stuff. Then we are off to the airport early in the morning.

Kaiden said he is going to have Hailie and Keilan take my stuff to his apartment so when we get back we can just relax for a little bit before doing anything. I guess he changed his mind already. I chuckle and nod an ok.

I am really scared about flying. I have never flown and I didn't plan on ever flying but Kaiden assured me that everything will be fine and that he would be by my side and hold my hand to keep me calm.

We wake up the next morning with our bodies wrapped up together. I don't even know how this position is possible but we are in it. I look up and see Kaiden still sleeping.

I stare at him and wonder how I got so lucky to have him and Emma. I look at every detail of him and stop on his lips. I want my lips on his soft pink ones so bad right now. I want to taste them. He is so perfect. It is hard to believe that someone like him would even look at me let alone care for me the way he does.

It seems like a dream that I never want to wake up from. I softly touch his cheek and he starts to wake up. I think he is sexier in the mornings when he just wakes up and still has his bedhead but he looks fresh, vibrant. I get to see the real him before he gets all dressed up.

He smiles at me and I realize I started smileing when I was staring at him when he was sleeping. I can feel my cheeks turning pink. " Good morning beautiful" he says to me in his deep sleepy voice. I smile and say good morning with a kiss. I don't mind his morning breath that much because his lips against mine are all that matter to me.

We cuddle for a little bit longer and then get up when his phone rings. I hear Emma playing in her bed so I let him have privacy and I go get her. She smiles and holds her arms out for me when she sees me walk in the room.

Kaiden walks in and tells me that we are supposed to meet his Ceo and friend, Tobias, and his wife, Trisha, at a restaurant in an hour before we all bored the plane to Paris.

Kaiden told me that Tobias was the person that helps him take care of the company in his absence. He helps Kaiden with getting new clients that need bricks laid at their business or home. Apparently he is one of the best CEOs he has had. Whatever that means.

He also told me that this meeting is a really big step for the company. It decides if they are able to  open another branch of business. I hope for his sake it goes well because I just want Kaiden to have all his dreams come true. Wether it involves me beam in his life or not. I just want him to be happy and be able to give Emma a good life.

So we all get ready and pack our bags in his truck. I really dont like meeting new people but for Kaiden I would do anything.

We all meet at the restaurant and I am so intimided by Trisha at first sight. She is gorgeous. I am about to sit down when Kaiden pulls a chair out and motions for me to sit by him. So I go over and sit in the chair and he pushes it back up.

Trisha and Tobias have a six year old little boy named Zander and a one year old little girl named Zaloni. I thought at first that this was going to a very uncomfortable three weeks but once Kaiden and Tobias started talking amongst them selves she started talking to me.

She is actually really sweet and very polite. We have alot in common so I think we will get along pretty good. Emma is just almost two and Zaloni is just turning one but they play so well together and Zaloni is surprisingly not scared of Zeke at all.

He is very gentle but alot of people are scared because of his size and breed. They think since he is a pit that he is aggressive but he thinks he is a lap dog and he is a big baby even when it comes to getting in trouble. He pouts and tries to lick me to tell me he is sorry. The table gets quiet as they place our food down in front of us.

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