Chapter 4: The Deal

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     Yami stared at those amethyst pools.  The scent was overpowering.  Yami felt the bloodlust creep up (along with something else), setting fire to his veins.  Thankfully, he was several millenia old, so he had learned to control The Thirst.

     The boy...Yugi...stood just inside the threshhold of the door, staring at Yami.  Yami nodded slightly in a 'come hither' motion.  Yugi stepped in 3 more steps and stopped. 

     Yami sighed.  "What is it you want an audience with me for?" 

     Yugi cleared his throat.  "I know you are the most powerful being in this city, and nothing happens without your approval."  Yugi began.  Inwardly, Yami smirked.  It's good that notion pervades...even though it wasn't the absolute truth.  Yes, were listened to him, as did vampires.  The fey and spellcasters though...they were another story.   Yami grimaced slightly at that thought.

     The grimace seemed to spur Yugi on.  " I want protection for my prowl.  I know nothing comes without a price, so I am here to negotiate."

     Yami's eyes opened slightly.  "Negotiate?" he scoffed.  "What could you possibly have that I would consider as trade for covering your pack..."

     "Prowl..." Yugi growled.  "We aren't dogs."

     "with my protection?"  Yami went on, but was silently pleased someone besides Seto was willing to stand up to him instead of cowering and snivelling or being in full out rebellion.

     "Yes, you are the Master of the City" Yugi stated, bristling from the prior insulting dog comment and the utter lack of care this man had for living beings.  "But, you crave loyalty and order.  If you promise protection for my prowl"  he could not help but put some inflection on the word, "I can promise their help if needed."

     "I have protection" Yami said dismissively, and looked down at the laptop on his desk, powering it on.

    After a minute of silence, when noone spoke,  blue light bathed Yami's face, and Yami could detect no movement, meaning Yugi was not leaving, he looked up.

     "Fine, you can have me."  Yugi said, not lowering his eyes, defiant.

     At this, Yami laughed, the silky tone rolling down Yugi's back.  Yugi shook it off.  Yami's eyes narrowed dangerously.

     "I am small.  I am delicate looking.  But I am Alpha for a reason.  Your mind tricks, your spells, the fey charms, the spellcaster scrolls...they do not affect me."  Yugi straightened, looking proud.  "My mother was were, my father a fey spellcaster.  I was born immune, and will stay that way.  You cannot even read my mind without my allowing you to."  Yugi chuckled as he felt Yami try and fail.  Yami's scowl deepened.

     Yami raised his eyes.  Never is he at a disadvantage in a negotiation, and he is not about to start now.  He sat silent for several minutes, looking Yugi over, mulling the options in his mind.

     "Fine.  I will cover your...prowl...with protection.  However, not only will I have you," at this Yami stood and gracefully walked over, inches from Yugi.  "I will be allowed to drink from you."  His crimson eyes narrowing, watching to see how this unfolded.

     Yugi stood proud, not missing a beat.  "Only from wrist.  Never anywhere else."

     "It looks as though we have a deal."  Yami stated, holding out a hand to seal the deal with a handshake.

     "Deal."  Yugi shook back, never breaking eye contact with Yami.

     Yami went to his desk.  "How many are there of you?"  He pulled out an ornate wooden box. 


     Yami held out a necklace with the Egyptian Eye charm on it.  "Hand this to each member.  Tell them to hold it to their forehead, like this."  At that, he held the charm to Yugi's forehead, the leather cord around each side of Yugi's head like an adornment.  There was a flash, a sharp sting like a bee, then normalness.

     Yugi looked at Yami.  "W..what did you just do?"  Damn stutter.  Inwardly, Yugi groaned.

     "This is my mark of protection.  If you are in danger it will glow, signalling that if you are harmed, the harmer will answer to me."

     Yugi took the necklace.  "Now, go to your prowl.  You will report here each night at dusk,  and be my personal servant.  At dawn, you are free to leave.  Think of it as a night job.  Bring the necklace back tomorrow night."  Yami finished as he went and sat back down.

     "But..." Yugi started.

     "But what?  You said you were mine, this is how I interpreted that.  If you are rethinking the deal, I wouldn't."  Yami's eyes glowed slightly.  "My word is my bond, and my handshake an unbreakable seal of the deal."

     Yugi nodded, slowly.  As he turned to leave, his only thought was, "What have I just gotten myself into?"

Dark Chaos, Book One Of The Chaos Saga (Formerly Known-In The Arms Of Darkness)Where stories live. Discover now