Chapter 13: The Return

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     Yugi sighed, leaning against the door.  He needed to stay away from Yami.  But how?  "Damn. Damn. Damn!"  He muttered.

     "What da hell, Yug?"  Joey came running up, out of breath.  "What happened back dere?"

     "Later."  Yugi shook his head warningly and walked off.

     Joey sighed, frowning.  It was going to be a long night.

     Joey sat at the club most of the night, nursing beers.  He wasn't worried about a hangover...his exceptional metabolism wouldn't allow hangovers.  He was worried about Yugi.  Spellcasters attacking the wereleopards were unheard of.  A sacrifice had been made centuries ago that would keep wereleopards out of the spellcasters' sights.  Yet, tonight, seven stopped him and Yugi.  One with white hair had an argument in a language Joey could not even understand with Yugi.  He would have to ask Yugi what language that was.  The white haired guy then cut Yugi with a silver blade before they all vanished.  Joey shook his head, then took another drink of his beer, signaling to the bartender for another.  As he paid for the beer, his mind slipped into the memories of his youth and how the peace had been forged with the spellcasters.

     Legend had it that wereleopard blood was the most potent and valuable blood used by spellcasters several thousand years ago when pharoahs still ruled Egypt.  It was said that the feline were came from Egypt and grew exponentially, what with the deference and worship Egyptians had about cats.  The spellcasters slaughtered hundreds of were, but hit  wereleopards especially hard, until the wereleopards were almost extinct, draining the bodies of blood.  It was said Rakuba was trying to bring back The Blood God, for who knows what.  The Pharoah had tried to wage war against the spellcasters, led by Rakuba. 

     The Pharoah's best friend, and unrequieted love was a wereleopard, born of a wereleopard mother, and a fey spellcasting father.  Both parents died trying to protect their child, whom they claimed would be the one to save the land.  On their death, the Pharoah's cook, the parents' only true friend, took the child to the palace and raised the child as his own.  This child grew up with the Pharoah's son, the boys becoming best friends.  No one in the palace, save the cook, knew of the boy's parentage.  All knew he was a wereleopard, but assumed both parents to be were.

     As the boy grew, he fell in love with the Pharoah's son.  When the royal son ascended as Pharoah, he chose a wife, never knowing of the boy's love.  The boy vowed to protect the Pharoah at all costs.  One night Rakuba determined who the boy really was, after years of searching,  and broke into the palace.  He easily found the boy and read the boy's dreams, seeing what was most precious to him. 

     Rakuba then went in, under cover of night, and slit the young pharoah's throat to break the boy.  Better to turn and use him and get limitless blood than to kill him and get a finite amount.  When the boy went in the next day and saw his love's dead body, he fell upon him, kissing his face, tears flowing.  It was said all that could be heard were prayers from the boy, begging Ra to return his love at any cost. 

     When there appeared to be no answer, the boy went to find Rakuba, for he knew who had executed the Pharoah.  After getting Rakuba to admit his deed to the boy, it was said that an explosion of energy came off of the boy.  Rakuba dissipated, none knowing where he went, or if he even survived, and his followers disbanded. 

     The boy went to pay final respects to his love, his best the Pharoah was ready to be entombed, the boy kissed him, one last time.  It is said, the Pharoah's eyes opened, but now he was a creature of the night,  with crimson eyes instead of purple...the first vampire.  As the Pharoah felt the boy's kiss, his long buried feelings surfaced, and he kissed the boy back with passion.  It was said the boy smiled, truly happy to have his love returned.  The boy died in the Pharoah's arms, giving up the last of his life energy to bring his love back through his final kiss, sealing the Pharoah's promised continued existence.

     Joey shook his head again, eyes heavy with worry.  So what the hell was going on now?  Was the legend wrong?  Or worse, had Rakuba returned?

Dark Chaos, Book One Of The Chaos Saga (Formerly Known-In The Arms Of Darkness)Where stories live. Discover now