Chapter 8: The Declaration

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     Yugi noticed that Yami's pale face paled even further, if that was possible.  That peaked Yugi's interest.

     "Seto, that is impossible.  You know that.  No amount of magic, light or dark, can bring her back to you."  Yami said tiredly, pity on his face.

     "I just saw her.  I just felt her.  Her blood tastes just as sweet as the day I tried to save her."  Seto's eyes closed at the thought, his tongue making one quick swipe on his bottom lip, as if still tasting the blood he spoke of.

     "Seto!  Stop this insanity!  Kisara is dead, she was destroyed by Dartz a millenia ago!"  Yami's eyes flamed in anger and pity at his cousin as his baritone voice boomed.

     Seto eyed Yami coldly.  "Yes.  I know her body was destroyed.  I am not a fool.  However, her soul lives on, in another." 

     Oh, boy...this Seto guy is mental for sure!  Yugi thought, watching the scene from his spot by the window, forgotten.

     "Seto..."  Yami's eyes held nothing but sadness.  "You and I both know vampires have no soul.  Since we have no soul, our soul cannot be born again in someone else."  Yami held out a hand, placing it on Seto's shoulder.  "Cousin, I know you loved her, but she is..."

     "She is my soulmate, and I have found her again.  Everything I have been through, everything I have done, becoming a vampire to find her again, it has finally been rewarded.  I will not lose my mate again!"  Seto's eyes pierced the night with a determination Yugi had seen in but a few, his voice strong and determined.

     Yami sighed, shoulders slumping.  "Seto, even if her soul is back, which I find hard to believe, how will you get this new girl to even begin to believe what you are telling me?  I mean, does she know she is your lover from another century?  And how do you know that she is the same Kisara you knew?  Growing up in a different time period, with different family dynamics and life experiences will make her a different person.  How do you know this is your soulmate Kisara and that you will love her as much as you did, and that she will love you back?"

     Seto smiled haughtily.  "When you have found your soulmate, you will be able to answer those questions.  I am not prone to flights of fancy, but this...this I know is true."

     "How?"  Yami persisted.

     Seto smiled and sighed, that smug, arrogant smile that has made Yami want to hit him so many times over the centuries.

     "Because, I felt the hole in my soul that was created when she left fill, I saw her eyes, I tasted her blood and I felt her spirit when I drank from Joey Wheeler."

Dark Chaos, Book One Of The Chaos Saga (Formerly Known-In The Arms Of Darkness)Where stories live. Discover now