Chapter 17: Shezmu

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     Silence.  That is all that was heard after Seto's announcement.  And was like a bomb went off, every person exploding into questions.  Seto looked around at the panic and confusion.  Finally, in an authoritative voice he stated, "Silence!"

     Everybody went silent.  Well, everyone but Joey.  "Hey, 'dis is da prowl's house.  You ain't in charge!" He stated angrily, jumping to his feet.  Seto rolled his eyes.

     "Sit down, Mutt."

     Joey's eyes flared.  "Now listen here..."

     Yami stepped up, putting his hands up as he set Yugi on his feet on the floor.  "Seto and I apologize.  What Joey said is true.  This is not our house."  He looked accusatorily at Seto, then beseechingly at Yugi.

     Yugi sighed.  "Everyone, let's listen to what Seto and Yami have to say.  Let's save questions for the end.  If what Seto says is true," Seto glared..."then this affects all of us, and more than just us.  Seto, please continue."  Yugi sat on the ground, feeling the concern coming off his prowl.  He knew they would need to pile up together to draw strength off each other.  Were seemed to revert to primal instincts in tense situations, and wereleopards were no different.  His prowl always wanted to be together; to feel contact.  They were more than a prowl, they were family...blood or not.  Sure enough, the wereleopards started crawling over and sitting in a heap together, watching Seto warily.  Serenity put her head on Joey's shoulder as Joey sat with his chin on Yugi's head.  Duke curled protectively around Serenity, a hand on her arm.

     "Thank you.  Now, to avoid pointless questions at the end...Many will ask, since vampires have been fighting Bakura for a few centuries now, at least back to the 1400s, why did Yami and I not make the connection?  First,  Rakuba always wore a mask, so we never saw his face in Egypt.  Second, we all assumed that Rakuba died, and reincarnation did not enter our minds to think that that the two might be the same.  Three, we are not sure that Bakura is the identical Rakuba who never died, just went into hiding, or if he is a reincarnation.  What we do know is that he is trying to raise the Blood God.  The missing people are because of him.  If he summons the Blood God...we are all doomed."

     Seto looked around.  Everyone was quiet, watching him.  "Shezmu is dangerous, and all too real.  He has a thirst for blood and will stop at nothing to destroy every last living thing, solely for blood.  Even his followers are not safe.  So why Bakura wants to raise Shezmu is beyond me...unless he has discovered a way to harness the power of Shezmu...which is more frightening than Shezmu himself."

     An uneasy silence settled over the house.  All eyes stared at Seto.  Finally, Anzu timidly raised her hand.  "W..what can we do to stop this?"

     "Fight!"  Joey stood up, fist in the air, Serenity toppling over from leaning on him, Duke catching her just in time from banging her head on the ground where Joey's bottom had just sat.  Seto rolled his eyes.

     "Mutt, sit down.  We can't fight right now, we can't even find Bakura right now.  What we first need to do is find Bakura.  We were going to put the werewolves on that, with their exceptional sense of smell and all.  After we find him, we need to get information on what he is doing, how close he is to completing his task, and if that is his only end game.  Then we can plan our attack and fight."

     Joey bristled but said nothing, Yugi's hand on his arm.  "Aw'right bloodsucker, how did ya get the information ya have?"

     Seto turned, baring his fangs at Joey.  Yami and Yugi both rolled their eyes in unison.  "I had a vision.  I haven't had visions since Egyptian times, but I had one the other day.  My visions have always been correct."

     No one moved.  The were could feel the honesty and conviction coming from Seto.  The fey could see his aura was strong, without deceit.  The spellcasters...well, let's just say the spellcasters in the room had ... maybe ...cast a spell to ensure that they could tell what was honest and what was not. 

     "Okay.  Let's let the werewolves find Bakura.  After they find him, we can send the fey in to get information, since they can go invisible.  See what the fey can find out and if we can maybe find a way to capture Bakura, or at least to fight him."  Yugi had stood, slowly disentangling himself from the pile on the floor.  "If you don't want to help, I understand.  This is dangerous.  However, if you do want to help, please try to get others.  But this has to stay top secret.  Tell only those you trust.  If this information falls into the hands of Bakura or his followers, we are all dead.  Let's plan to meet back here next Monday; we can get an update from the wolves."  Yugi turned to Yami.  "Please, let them know we are extending an invitation for them to come to our house."

     Yami nodded, and everyone started disbanding.  Yugi looked at Yami.  "Can we talk?"  Yami nodded, looking at Seto.  "A moment?"  Seto just curtly nodded and then went to look out the plate glass window.

     "Yes?" Yami stated, putting his arms around Yugi once they were in the kitchen.  Yugi sighed shakily.   He turned, amethyst orbs filled with tears.  Yami pulled him close.  "What is wrong, Little One?"  Yugi put his head on Yami's chest, then pushed away.

     "I...I can't be with you."

     Yami chuckled.  "Well, I can't be without you, so it looks as if we are at an impasse."  He reached for Yugi to pull him in an embrace.  Yugi pushed away, more forcefully.

     "No, damnit Yami, I am serious!  Don't you understand?  Last time I loved you, you died...because of me!  I won't let that happen again.  I would rather live alone than drag you to your death again."  Yugi turned away, tears spilling over his cheeks.

     Yami came up behind Yugi, putting his arms around Yugi.  "I would rather die than live without you.  I did that for 3,000 was a walking death every day.  I lived for nothing because I was without you.  It was torture."

     Yugi turned, putting his forehead on Yami's chest.  "No matter what I do, I hurt you." he sniffed.

     "Then, don't pull away from me.  Let's have trust in our friends that a resolution can be found without either of us dying.  And, if one of us has to die, at least we can have from now until then together.  I would rather have a moment of happiness with you than a lifetime of despair without you."  At that, Yami leaned in, kissing Yugi tenderly, full of 3,000 years of love and longing.

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