Chapter 6: The Mutt

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     "Come on, puppy."  Seto grinned when Joey jerked against the leash. 

     "I am NOT your damn dog!"  Joey growled, standing.

     "Actually, you are."  Seto's cold blue eyes took in Joey's stance, the agitation just boiling off of the blond man.

     "Look, I may be" he spat the word, "but I. Am. Not. A. Dog."  He seemed to stand up a little more proud with every statement.  "I am the son of The Enforcer of Wereleopards and by his death I AM The Enforcer."  His eyes flashed, his head held high.

     "Yea, whatever."  Seto clipped, turning his back and dragging the leash behind him, effectively pulling Joey off his feet and onto all fours.

     At that, Joey could hold back no longer.  Snapping of bones, twisting of flesh, hair sprouting, jeans, in Seto's leash was a large, blond, angry leopard, who let out a loud roar.

     Seto merely turned around and raised an eyebrow.  "Done?"

     Joey stretched his legs and, leaping with all his might on top of Seto, aimed for Seto's neck. 

     "Missed me."  Seto laughed, standing a foot from where he did before.

     Joey growled and lunged again, missing again.  "Look, Mutt, I am faster than you, so give it up."  Seto shook his head and started walking farther down the hall, Joey in tow.  Joey snarled and growled the whole way down the hall.  At the largest door, Seto jerked Joey up like he was but a rag, so the two were eye to eye.

     "Listen,"  Seto hissed.  "Stop this right now, or I will show you who is dominant, and it won't be by a bite to the ear."  Joey's eyes grew wide, and then slitted down.  Joey did not scare easily.  Sadly, he did not take hints easily, either.  At the threat Joey lunged again.  In the blink of an eye Seto had Joey pinned to the wall by his neck, squeezing.  Joey's body quickly convulsed in fear and lack of oxygen.

     "Let. Me. Go."  Joey squeaked out, his head starting to go limp, his body changing back into human form as his hands thrashed wildly at Seto's grip, which was like concrete.

     Seto dropped Joey into a naked heap, the leash the only thing still on Joey.  "Now, will you obey?" Seto asked, eyeing Joey.  Joey looked up, eyeing Seto warily.  Joey seemed to be trying to speak.  Shit. Joey seemed to be hurt.  Damn.  Out of habit, Seto leaned in even though he had great hearing.  He could hear clearly whispers in the club below thought to be drowned out by the music. Damn humanity never quite leaves... "What?" he asked, eyeing Joey with concern.

     "Kiss my ass."  Joey said right as he spit in Seto's face.  Rage flared across Seto's normally composed face.  He grabbed Joey up, slamming him against the wall, baring the tender flesh of Joey's neck.  "You want to degradate someone?  Fine.  Here is degradation."  Seto growled dangerously as he leaned in and sunk his fangs into Joey's neck.

     Joey tried to push away, as Seto pulled him in closer, drinking the lifeblood from Joey.  Oh, how it hur...a moan escaped Joey's lips as his hands went to Seto's hair, pulling him closer.  This didn't sent white hot fire down Joey's extremities.   The feeling, the pleasure was immeasurable.  It felt like a drug was running through his system.  He felt tension...and then he slid down the wall as Seto released Joey.  He looked up at Seto, confused.  "I thought it was supposed ta hurt?" he mumbled, dazed and utterly lost about what just happened.

     Seto stared back, cheeks flushed, eyes dark with....some emotion... Joey couldn't quite place.  "It was supposed to hurt."

     And with that, Seto vanished down the hall.

Dark Chaos, Book One Of The Chaos Saga (Formerly Known-In The Arms Of Darkness)Where stories live. Discover now