Chapter 21: The Ritual

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     "None found...none!"  Yami growled, pacing like a wild animal.  Yugi sat, looking at Yami, tail flicking in the air in an agitated pattern.  His nerves had gotten the best of him and he had transformed.  Seto sat, outwardly at least, calm.  However, inwardly he was worried.  Very worried.  It was nearing 5 A.M., and all were back except Joey and company.

     "Aaaagh!"  Yami screamed again, falling on his butt on top of Yugi.  Seto stood, face white.

     "Seto!  Yami!"  Honda's voice broke through the air.  All three heads snapped up as Honda strode in, carrying Sean.  Seto looked at Sean, white face gone ashen.  "He is in bad shape...he..."  Honda stopped, looking down at Sean as Sean let out a horrible rattle, then was silent.  Yugi walked around Sean, sniffing.  He sat, bowing his head, amethyst eyes sad.

     "Let me."  Ryou came forward, laying hands on Sean's form, chanting.  Suddenly, Ryou was thrown backward, electricity arcing from Sean's body to Ryou's hands. 

     "Ryou!" Yami yelled.  Yugi jumped up, circling Sean, looking at Seto, Ryou, and Yami.

    "Where is Joey?"  Seto demanded of Honda.  Honda stepped back, backing away from Seto, fear plain in his eyes.  Ryou stood up, shakily.  "Sean was killed by some very powerful dark magic.  There may be a way to answer your questions, Seto, but we need someone skilled in necromancy."

     Yami nodded, looking at Seto.  "Get Ravyn."  Seto strode out and almost instantaneously brought back a raven haired bartender with ice blue eyes so pale they almost looked white.  She was attired in Cleopatra garb.  "Master?" she asked, raising an eyebrow and curtseying.

     Ryou stepped up.  "Can you raise the dead?"

     Ravyn looked to Ryou and nodded.  "Yes, if the being is not dead for more than 24 hours and is intact, it is a simple ritual.  Master," she turned to Yami.  "Are you wanting me to raise this one?"  She motioned toward Sean.

     "Yes, please.  The fate of others may rely on his knowledge."

     "Master, I will do as you request.  However, please understand that the zombie will only answer to me, can only answer simple questions, and can only answer with the knowledge he had at his death."  Ravyn looked for permission from Yami.  Yami nodded.

     Ravyn left, coming back a couple minutes later with a dagger.  "Please,  everyone,  stand at the edges of the room.  This is a blood ritual."  All moved to the side, Yami absently petting Yugi's head while Yugi's tail curled around Yami's ankle.

     Ravyn took the dagger, and punctured her flesh, drawing a long, deep gash down her left arm.   She dropped some blood on Sean's forehead, chest, and ankles.  "Blood is life; blood is needed for life.  I am giving of my life to bring you back.  Please, come back to assist this life you left."

     Sean's body twitched, then started sitting up.  Yugi crawled in front of Yami protectively.

     Sean's lifeless eyes looked at Ravyn.  Ravyn kept eye contact with Sean, but asked the room, "State your questions one at a time, let me ask, let him answer, and then ask another."

     Seto immediately asked, "Where is Joey?"  Ravyn repeated the question.  Sean's corpse blinked slowly, "Dungeon." he answered slowly. 

     Seto growled.  "What happened the last time you saw him?"  Again, Ravyn repeated the question.  Sean drooled out of his mouth a bit.  "He fell trying to escape and told me to go on."

     Yami spoke up, "Who did you see in the woods?"  Ravyn again parroted  the question.  Sean's jaw fell slack.  "White hair man, Joey, Anzu."

     "What did you see happen to Anzu?"  Yami inquired, with Ravyn repeating to Sean.  Sean slumped, and stated "White haired man take her."

     "Final question, he is getting tired and my control grows weak."  Ravyn had a sheen of sweat on her brow.  "Who was in dungeon?"  Yugi asked.  Ravyn dutifully repeated the question.  Sean sat down.  "Duke, Joey, and headless girl."  A huge rattle escaped Sean's body, and he collapsed...blood seeping out of his eyes and ears.

     "Duke?  Oh, no...that means it was Serenity!"  Yami's crimson eyes filled with worry and sadness.  Yugi started to mewl pitifully, then let out a large roar before bounding out the door.

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