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Johnny had left when his shift had ended and I had agreed to staying later. I took a glance at the clock at the bottom of my screen.

1:03 AM

Really? Have I really been here for that long?

I sighed before sliding the flies and laptop into my bag, swinging it over my shoulder and continuing on my way back home.

The wind had voices.

"Look at her..." One whispered. I moved a pace quicker.

"Different..." Hissed another. Quicker.

"Young..." Spoke another. Even quicker.

"Mine..." One more spoke.

I was scared to even consider taking chances. I didn't want to be here.

"It's funny... You think you can run?" A voice howled from behind.

My head slowly turned on its own, making me face the voice talking to me from the alleyway.

"What?" I whispered so silently that I could barely even hear myself.

"Cat got your tongue? Or can you not speak?" The figure asked from the shadows, grabbing me by my wrists and dragging me into the alley. A loud scream escaped my lips as my body was slammed against a wall.

"What the hell?!" I yelped as the strange man punched me in the jaw, causing my head to swing back and hit the brick wall at full force.

"Shut up! Don't want to be a tattle-tale now, do we?" He asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Too bad we're not six anymore..." I growled as I heard some maniacal laughter from the rooftops.

The man looked up for a brief second as I did the same, not seeing anything. Not even stars. They were covered by a blanket of clouds that was hanging over the sky.

"The hell was that?" He asked as I shrugged, not really thinking much of it.

"How do you expect me to know?" I asked as silence filled the air.

"Good question..." He whispered, moving his hands up my shirt as I narrowed my eyes on him and kicked him in the stomach so he stumbled and fall against the opposite wall.

"You bitch..." He growled as I smirked.

"You want me to cry about it?" I asked as he rolled his eyes.

"Come at me, bitch!" He yelled, but before he could even take a step there was a kitchen knife buried in his chest, causing me to gasp and back up in fear.

"Wha--" I asked, observing the angle of the knife.

The blade was lodged perfectly into the heart, the blood erupting from the gash as I touched the handle.

It was worn down with sharp bite marks in it. I was definitely confused and concerned as I yanked the knife out of the dead body, watching blood run all down his chest from the large wound.

I wiped the blood off with a patch of grass before sheathing it in my backpack.

I slowly and carefully backed out of the alley before sprinting home.

I busted through the door, finding Johnny asleep on the couch as he fell off and woke up as I flipped on all the lights and pulled all the stuff out of my bag on the island.

"A warning would've been nice..." He groaned, sealing his eyes to shield them from the bright lights.

"Sorry, just kinda freaked out after almost being raped and witnessing a murder..." I whispered as he ran over to me, seeing the blood splattered all over my purple shirt.

"What the hell happened?" He asked with concern.

"I was just walking home from work when all this happened. I don't even know how to describe it. But I did manage to get something off the scene," I whispered, pulling the knife out of my bag as his eyes skimmed over the weapon in fear and shock.

"Uh... I don't think you should've taken that... Might have been good evidence," He said as I shrugged.

"Yeah, but you weren't almost killed today..." I exclaimed as he placed the knife back in my bag and zipped it up.

"Angelica, just go to bed. You've been to hell tonight, so you need your rest," He said as I nodded before walking up the stairs and turning into my room.

I changed into a tank top and short shorts before climbing in bed and drifting to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of my door opening.

4:37 AM

"Johnny?" I whispered, looking at the opened doorway where nobody stood.

"What?" I whispered, looking around my room, seeing nothing out of place before noticing the shady looking man sitting on the foot of my bed.

I was about to yelp when he pounced on top of me and covered my mouth to prevent me from waking up Johnny.

"No need to wake, Toastie..." He spoke with a snicker as I looked at his razor sharp teeth with wide eyes.

His red eyes glared me down, causing me to shift oddly as he laid on top of me for a little while more.

"Now, Angel, I suggest you give me the knife back. I save your life and then you steal my knife... That's not nice," He howled with a laugh as he removed his hand from my mouth.

"It's in the backpack..."I whispered as he smirked.

"And where would that be?" He asked.

"Johnny took it," I answered as he scowled.

"Dammit..." He groaned as he sat in thought for a minute, standing up and pacing around my room.

Then he looked at me with a grin.

"You get me the backpack and I won't kill you..." He spoke as my eyes widened.

"U-Uh... O-Okay..." I whispered before standing up and watching his eyes skim up and down my body, causing him to bite his lip, as I walked out the door and across the hall to Johnny's room.

Please have him help me get the creepy killer out of my room.

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