« 17 »

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"Okay! You don't have very much time! He's pissed and he's coming!" Johnny Ghost whisper-yelled from the doorway as I finally allowed myself to breath again.

"Oh thank God..." I whispered as Jimmy grabbed my hand, both of us following Ghost to another bedroom at the end of the hall.

"Who are the other two?" Jimmy whispered while tilting his head at Ghost. Ghost turned to Jimmy and rolled his eyes.

"Probably the two biggest idiots on the face of the planet," Ghost answered as I arched an eyebrow.

"Do these two idiots have names?" I asked as Ghost sighed, still leading us through the maze of hallways that were twined around the second floor, my hand still tight in Jimmy's grip.

"Fred Spooker and Chris 'Colon' Ghostie. Just call him Colon, it's a lot easier," He spoke as I hesitantly nodded.

"Are they good?" Jimmy asked as Ghost stopped, turning to look back at the two of us.

"Both of them together, they probably about the IQ of a fork..." Ghost spoke as I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, you sure do know how to pick 'em," Jimmy spoke as Ghost rolled his eyes, beginning to lead us back to an escape route that him and Jimmy had planned, apparently.

We could all still hear Toast screaming, clear as day. Gavin was more of the calm individual. But with every rude comment or remark that Toast made about Jimmy and myself, Jimmy would tighten his grip on my hand. I think he was trying to reassure himself more than me, because he seemed to clam up more and walk a little bit quicker.

"Don't listen to him," I whispered, being pulled up on his back as I wrapped my arms around his neck, fearing the fall.

"Then you talk over him," He whispered as I placed my chin on his shoulder. I placed a light kiss on his jawline, making his eyes flash towards me.

"Don't start something you don't want to finish, Babe," Jimmy whispered as I smirked.

"Sorry," I whispered back as we entered a room. His cold hands were under my thighs, holding me up. But I knew he was having far too much fun with this.

"And, here we are. Now, you guys have an incredibly low chance of actually escaping. So, if anyone asks, Spooker help you escape. Sound good?" Ghost whispered while opening the window as we all heard the thud of combat boots on the other side of the door.

  The door slowly swung open.

"What'd you say about me?!" Fred Spooker asked as Ghost rolled his eyes.

"Nothing..." Ghost grumbled.

"Hey, Angel!" He yelled as we all froze and flinched. My heart-rate began speeding up when Toast's rant stopped when he was finishing his sentence.

"Where are you, Spooker?!" Toast screamed as Jimmy shoved Spooker up against a wall, rage was his only readable emotion. Ghost was pushing me out the second story window as I took a deep breath, fully committing and leaping out.

  I landed on my feet and looked back up, seeing Ghost's head looking at something a few feet to my right.

"Freeze!" A hostile male voice shouted, causing me to raise my arms up and stay perfectly still.

"Yeah, she matches the description! Cuff her!" A different voice screamed as my frail body was shoved up against the brick wall of the mansion.

"Dammit..." I whispered to myself, pissed at Ghost.

  But hey! I don't have to deal with Toast's bullshit!

"You know Jimmy Casket?" The police officer asked while searching me for any weapons.

"We all know the answer to that stupid question," I replied while rolling my eyes.

"Okay, lock her up!" The officer yelled as I felt a hand large grab the chain that linked the steel cuffs.

"You're a goddamn idiot, Sweetie. Jimmy Casket doesn't have relationships with girls. He plays with them. Plays with their emotions. You should know better. Gotta have someone to talk some sense into you," A different male officer spoke as I rolled my eyes.

"Job's already filled. Sorry," I spoke before being slammed up against the side of the police car.

"You have the right to remain silent, Mr. Casket!" A distant female voice shouted from the direction of the door, causing me to roll my eyes.

Time to find out what prison's like.

"Mister Casket! Awe, so sweet! I get a formal name now!" His insane tone of voice shrieked as I chuckled to myself.

I felt a figure standing to my left as I turned to see the shadow of my enraged step-brother.

"Is this what you wanted, Angelica? Is this what you were trying to achieve?" He asked in a calm tone of voice as I flashed him a smile.

"You know what, Toast? Why can't it be? I get to be in the same place with the person who brings out a side of me that I enjoy. And I don't care if that's behind bars," I spoke as he scoffed and walked away as a loud boom was heard from my right side. I glanced over to find Jimmy in the same state that I was currently in.

"Welcome to the party," I spoke as he smiled.

"What kind of party is it?" He asked in a more relaxed tone of voice as I giggled.

"A prison party," I answered as the police officers started discussing holding cells for the two of us.

"They're not allowed to be together, though," A lady spoke as Jimmy groaned as he turned back to look at them.

"There is no way in hell she's staying with anyone else!" Jimmy barked as Toast sighed in irritation.

"Haven't you done enough already?" Toast asked as Jimmy smirked.

"Apparently not, depending on the fact that you're still eligible to stand, talk, sleep, and breathe!" Jimmy yelled, just antagonizing my brother at this point.

"Wait, Angel's going to jail, too?" Spooker asked as Jimmy's eyes moved from my brother to me.

"Yeah, she is," Ghost answered as I slowly nodded.

"What did she even do again?" Mike asked as my head darted back, finding my blood brother's glare, which was staring back at me.

"She's the partner-in-crime to a serial killer," Toast answered as I shook my head.

"I can't stand him anymore..." I mumbled to myself as Jimmy laughed.

"Oh, I haven't been able to stand him since the beginning," Jimmy replied as I giggled with a smile.

I always thought that going to jail would be a lot more... Scary?

I guess I was wrong.

"Alright, both of you in the car, now!" The female's voice screamed as I rolled my eyes, hopping in the door that one of the police officers opened for me. Jimmy crawled in and sat down next to me.

"So, Ms. Hess? Have you ever been to jail before?" The female asked.

"Nope," I answered, slightly hanging my head.

"It's okay. It's not nearly as bad as they make it sound," Jimmy spoke as I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Especially the part where we break out..." He whispered warmly against my ear, making a large grin sneak on my face as the car started.

  Off to prison we go.

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