« 19 »

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  Today is the day...

"Angel! Angel! Wake up!" Sally yelled, shaking my body until I woke up. My eyes opened on their own, not that I wanted them to.

"I'm up..." I muttered, wanting to sleep for a little longer. Because if I don't I'll be running on about two hours of sleep.

"They're here for you..." She whispered as I sat up, peering over the edge of the bed to see Ghost standing outside my cell, staring up at me with a sorrowful glare; surrounded by police officers in SWAT gear, equipped with handcuffs and police batons.

I slowly forced myself to get up, climbing down the ladder and approaching the cell door. Ghost looked as me for a few more seconds before plastering a fake smile across his face.

"Don't do that..." I whispered as he nodded, knowing that I knew what was coming and that it wasn't going to be a fun time.

"C'mon..." He whispered, opening the cell door as I reluctantly walked out, instantly having tight steel rings locked around my wrists.

He walked next to me the whole time, trying to start small conversations, but my body wouldn't let me reply. I was shaking harshly and my stomach felt empty.

"Jimmy's been tased three times just to get him into the chair..." Ghost whispered, making my head ache.

"I don't want to do this..." I whispered as Ghost wrapped his arm around me for support, giving me a side hug as well.

"Nobody wants to make you do this. The only reason they are is to see if this threat will actually make Casket listen," He spoke truthfully as I looked up at him with a cocked eyebrow.

"Are they trying to get everyone in this damn facility killed?" I whispered as he shrugged.

"I don't know, but that's all they're going to achieve," He answered as we stopped outside a steel door. The door was covered in dents and blood, making my head spin at just this sight, let alone what's gonna happen on the other side.

One of the SWAT members opened the door, Ghost entering the dark room with me. He sat me down in a chair and knelt down in front of me.

"Look at me," He spoke as I rolled my eyes.

"Kinda hard to do that with no light..." I replied.

"Right, sorry. Anyways, there is a one-way-window in front of you, and Casket is on the other side. He's, currently, unconscious. When he wakes up, you're gonna hear Chief Tori talk over the radio, and Jimmy can hear her, too. I wasn't told anything else, but I'll try to get you out of here as soon I can. They said that you and Casket can talk afterwards, alright?" He asked as I nodded.

  I felt him, very hesitantly, lock thick steel cuffs around my wrists, ankles, and one around my waist.

"Oh God..." I whispered as I saw the door open and his shadow look back at me.

"Just give them what they want," He reminded me again before he walked out, leaving me in this dark and cold room by myself.

I began tapping my foot as anxiety began taking over. God, I was scared. And I wasn't afraid to tell anyone, either.

"Good morning, Mr. Casket..." The chief spoke almost as soon as Ghost left.

"Where is she..." I heard his voice hiss.

"J-Jimmy...?" I whispered in disbelief.

How was I able to hear him?

"Angel?" Jimmy's voice asked as blinding LED lights flicked on, making the whole room I was in turn a flawless white.

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