« 14 »

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I woke up, and for the first time since I met Jimmy, I was alone in my room. I rubbed my fists over my eyes, letting out a soft yawn as I stood up, still attired in yesterday's clothes. I looked into the mirror, spotting my bright green eyes and instantly remembering last nights dream. More like nightmare.

I shook my head, walking over to the closet and pulling on a grey t-shirt and grey and black leggings. I brushed through my ratty hair, making each strand fall over my shoulders in its wavy pattern. I inhaled a deep breath, messing with the ends of my hair. I sighed as I opened the door, left hearing a discussion down the stairs.

"There is no way I would let her do that," Spoke the voice of Johnny Toast. There was silence for a bit before I heard someone else's sigh.

"I'm telling you, Johnny, you did. I don't know if it was the alcohol already in your system, but the two of you were completely out of it," Johnny Ghost argued as I finally walked down the stairs, finding the two talking at the island.

"Good morning," I spoke weakly as the two turned to me, not even noticing my presence in the room over their own conversation.

"Oh, uh, good morning," Toast spoke as I nodded, walking into the kitchen and grabbing an apple. I turned back, seeing Ghost scrolling through his phone.

"Oh shit..." Toast and I both heard Ghost whisper under his breath, placing both of our attentions on the boy. He looked up at us, then back down to his phone before sliding it over to Toast.

"I'm going out with my friends tonight. Make sure--" And with that my brother stopped reading.

"What?" I asked as I watched a subtle anger grow on Toast's face. He was not happy about what ever else was written on that phone.

"Angel, can you give him a minute... He probably needs a few," Ghost spoke, leaving me wondering what was on the phone. I slowly nodded as I headed up the steps, curious as to what the hell was on that phone that made Toast flip out. I kept thinking until it got to the thoughts, was it about me? Because I have no idea why else he would lose his shit like that.

I entered my room, throwing my body backwards onto my bed before hearing my phone buzz.

Gavin: Make sure Toast doesn't read what I sent Ghost -JC

The message read as my eyes widened and I thought of how to reply.

Me: And what if, hypothetically, he already read it?

I watched his text bubble appear at the bottom as I bit my lower lip, scared to find out what it could have said.

Gavin: Then we're fucked -JC

I felt something hitting the inside of my chest, scared to death of what was on that text.

Me: What did the text say?

I anxiously awaited his answer, feeling my heart-rate speed up as a photo was sent to my number.

Attachment: 1
Gavin: I'm going out with my friends tonight. Make sure Angel stays safe and make sure she keeps her virginity until I come back -JC

Ghost: Casket! Can you please not for once in your damn life?! -JT

Gavin: Oh, please! Since when did I start listening to you? -JC
No wonder Toast was extremely pissed. He gets pissed off as soon as Jimmy walks in the same room as me, and Ghost let him see this.

Me: Yeah we're totally fucked...

I waited for a few seconds before receiving a phone call from Gavin's number.

"Hello?" I answered with a smile.

"Hellooooo!" Jimmy replied, making me giggle like an idiot.

"You literally left a couple of hours ago and you're already calling me?" I asked as he chuckled.

"I haven't gone a few hours without you since I met you and this is a lot more difficult than you would think!" He defended himself as I smirked, standing up and walking down the stairs, still on the phone.

"Well, Idiot, I'm without you and things are actually calm around here... Well, they were until you sent Ghost that text," I whispered as I began walking down the steps.

"Yeah, but Toast can just deal with it," He commented as I rolled my eyes.

"Just so you are fully aware, this is him 'dealing with it'," I added as he sighed in annoyance.

"Who are you talking to?" I heard Toast's voice ask from behind me, making me jump a little.

"Gavin, jeez calm down!" I spoke in surprise as he took the phone away.

"Hello?" Toast asked as I stood there and glared at him with an annoyed expression.

"Oh hey, Gavin," Toast spoke, calming down a bit now.

"Would you happen to know where Casket is?" He asked.

"So I can kick his ass..." He said again as I rolled my eyes.

"Why do I not believe that for a damn second?" He asked again as Ghost joined me at my side.

"Put him on the fucking phone..." Toast mumbled, now getting upset with Gavin. I'm honestly impressed Jimmy got the phone to Gavin that quickly.

"What do you fucking want?!" Jimmy's voice yelled from the phone as Toast placed the phone, on speaker, in the middle of us three.

"Explain your text to me, this time so everyone can hear it!" Toast yelled as we all listened to Jimmy's breathing.

"Who classifies as 'everyone'?" Jimmy asked as I sighed.

"Hi, Jimmy..." I said.

"Hello, Casket," Ghost spoke as we listened for Jimmy to say something.

"Okay, that's fair enough. It means I want to fuck your sister," He said without hesitation. Toast's eyes found mine and I gave him a shrug in return. He suddenly gained a lethal amount of anger as he stared at the two of us and listened to the breathing over the phone.

"Angel... Before I make stupid decisions, go to your room," He spoke, trying his hardest to keep his calm.

"Can I have my phone back?" I asked, pointing at the iPhone5 in a galaxy-print case that was placed in the palm of his hand.

"Nope," He replied as I sighed in annoyance.

"Okay, bye," I said, rolling my eyes as my brother before heading up the stairs.

"Bye, Angel!" Jimmy's voice yelled, making me laugh to myself.

"Shut up, Jimmy," Toast growled as Jimmy laughed.

"I'd like to see you try to make me," Jimmy responded. And that was the last piece of their conversation I heard before closing my bedroom door behind me.

He has a good strategy, if he's trying to get a black eye...

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