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"Am I interrupting something?" I asked when they both looked at me. Their faces were strange. Like they were definitely hiding something, but they wanted to tell me.

"No! Not at all! Uh, come sit down with us!" Toast spoke rather loudly as I slowly made my way over to the bar.

  Ghost's eyes never left me.

I pushed my thick bangs over my eyebrow, hiding the piercing while making it look believable.

I sat on a barstool as Toast placed a plate in front of me. It consisted of spaghetti noodles and alfredo.

"So, Angel, which Creepypasta jumped you?" Toast asked as I looked around, kind of trying to avoid that question with his doppelgänger present.

"It was Casket," I answered as Toast nodded and Ghost just sat silently, staring at the food placed in front of him like his life depended on it.

"Sir... Do you need to go--"

"Johnny, where's the bathroom?" Ghost asked as Johnny pushed him in the correct direction as Toast stared at my bangs closely. I could then see the shine of my ring on his forehead from the light.

"Trying to make a good thing out of it?" He asked as I shrugged.

"I, honestly, don't know what I'm doing... I just found the ring and put it on. Don't have to make a big deal about it," I huffed as he put his hands up in surrender as Ghost came back in, staring at the ground.

"Oh God..." I heard Toast quietly whisper as Ghost shot him a death glare.

"What were we talking about?" Ghost asked as Johnny was about to say something as I just stared at him in aggravation.

"Don't..." I muttered.

"Why not? Who's gonna stop me?" He asked as I narrowed my eyes.

"I mean, I can if you really want me, too..." I whispered while standing up and walking upstairs, annoyed with my brother.

I closed the door behind me and sat down on the floor, taking out the eyebrow ring and placing it back in the pile. Then my eyes landed dead on the septum ring.

"What the hell is wrong with me..?" I whispered, grabbing the ring and using the mirror to put it in.

"Oh... So you have one, too?" I heard Jimmy asked as I looked back and there he sat. On the side of my bed, just intently watching me.

"Have one what?" I asked in confusion.

"A septum piercing?" Jimmy asked as I nodded.

"Yeah. Not something I'm proud of, that's for sure," I answered taking it out and placing it back in the stack.

"Really? Usually piercing your body is something that you want to do," He spoke as I shook my head.

"Yeah, 'usually' is the key word in that sentence... Why the hell are you even here?" I asked as he shrugged.

"Killing people can get boring after a while... So, I thought I'd visit you," He spoke, standing up next to me and looking at all the different types of rings I had before I covered them with the palm of hand and buried them in my hoodie pocket.

"Well, I'm boring as well, so I don't know why you keep visiting. Or, trespassing is a better word," I said as he rolled his eyes, draping his arm over my shoulders as I pushed his arm off of me.

"Listen here, Princess. You have no idea how brainwashing it is to have to tolerate the same idiots for months. I need something new. I'm bored of them," He said as I began walking over to my dresser and placing the rings in an empty cup.

"Find someone who you won't annoy. Who isn't related to Johnny Toast," I said as he scoffed.

"Trust me, Baby Girl, I can tell you're not related to Johnny Toast..." He said with a smirk as I rolled my eyes before squinting at him.

"Oh really? And how do you know that?" I asked as he smirked in amusement.

"You look much nicer than Johnny Toast ever will..." He howled while looking at my legs in the shorts as I huffed out an upset sighed.

"How are you the only one without a record of rape?" I whispered as he laughed.

"Because I'm not an idiot. I don't believe in that," He said as I arched an eyebrow.

"Really? Why does that sound like a lie to me?" I asked as he looked at me with a cunning grin.

"Because I'm not good at persuading people..." He hummed as I stared at the wall with wide eyes.

  I said that not even an hour ago...

"Uh... Right," I whispered as he nodded.

"You going back to work tomorrow?" He asked as I glared at him skeptically.

"Yeah. But why does that matter to you?" I asked as he smiled.

"Then I'll see you then," He said as I shook my head.

"No, you will not," I said as he smirked.

"Sure. Just keep thinking whatever you want. I can't change your mind," He said as I walked up to him and glared at him.

"I swear if you show up tomorrow..." I whispered as he grinned.

"You'll what?" He taunted as I shook my head.

"Just don't..." I growled as he smirked at my defeat.

"See you tomorrow..." He whispered with an annoying smirk before leaping out the window. I could hear his footsteps leave as I smiled and shook my head while looking at myself in the mirror.

  I walked up to the cup, pulling out the septum ring and putting it in. I huffed out a little laugh before flipping the ring up in my nose so it was hidden.

  What's happening to me?

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