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  I jetted up as soon as my unconsciousness left me, jerking my head over to see Ghost looking over at me with concern.

"Hey. Easy. Don't strain yourself," He ordered as I looked around, feeling slightly dizzy as I looked over at him with a solid expression.

"Where the hell is she?" I asked, looking at his brown eyes as he sighed.

"She's fine. She's in the hospital with Toast. He just called me and she's fine," He spoke as I slowly nodded.

  I'm still pissed.

  I mean, not only is she in the hospital, which I am extremely pissed about, but I don't feel that I did enough to the woman who made her that way. Also this: Angelica Vivian Hess hasn't done a goddamn thing to anyone. She wouldn't hurt a fly. Yet, she deals with all the shit that everyone else gives her.

  She doesn't deserve this.

"Is she awake?" I asked as he nodded.

"Yeah. She is," He spoke as I nodded.

"And Toast?" I asked as he smiled.

"If you leave now I can say you went up to bed. He'll come back and you won't see him. I've got your back," He spoke as a wide smile spread across my lips.

"Thank you," I spoke as he nodded.

"You're welcome, Casket," He replied as I stood up, having him assist me to the door so I wouldn't collapse.

  Eventually I was able to walk independently again, which resulted in me opening the door and sprinting out. It took me about ten minutes to full-blown sprint to the hospital, notably passing Toast's car. 

  I texted Ghost.


G: He said fourth floor and room 411


I spotted an open window on the fourth floor, climbing up the wall as I slipped through the opening. I fell on the tiled floor, looking up to find myself out in one of the hallways.

  Room 411...

  I found the door, twisting the handle and pushing it open. Quickly, a pair of green eyes looked up at me.

  I felt relieved. Like I could finally suck oxygen in and out of my lungs.

"A-Angel..." I whispered, walking in as a smile appeared on her face.

"Hey, Jimmy," She whispered as she outstretched her hand, grabbing onto mine and lacing our fingers together.

"Are you okay?" I whispered softly, knowing it was a stupid question, but also attempting to fight back tears in order to be strong for her. I have to be strong for her.

"Yeah..." She whispered as I smiled, rubbing her knuckles with my thumb in an attempt to calm myself down.

  I'm a nervous wreck.

"They said that if surgery and everything else goes as planned then I'll be okay," She spoke as smiles grew wide on both of our faces.

  She's gonna live.

  I placed a sweet kiss on her lips, running a hand through her hair and tucking a long strand behind her ear. I began twirling one of the strands around my index finger as I hesitantly pulled my lips away from hers.

"You're strong, Angelica... You're gonna make it," I reassured her with a smile as she smiled back.

  She lifted her hand up, brushing my shaggy bangs back and giving me a small smile. Her smile was sometimes the only thing that kept me pressing on in this hellish nightmare we call reality. It reminds me that there are some good things in this world.

  She's the only good thing I have to hold onto.

  That's why I can't let her go.

"Jimmy, you're overworking yourself. I'm gonna be okay," She whispered softly as there was a light knock on the door.

"I gotta go back home," I spoke, not wanting to at all but needing to. Toast will kick my ass if he finds out I'm here. No doubt about it.

"Yeah, you should probably do that," She spoke as I nodded. I gave her a small kiss on the forehead before heading over to her window and climbing out.

  Each brick was the equivalent to a rung on a ladder. I swiftly jumped down each block, ending on the street a few seconds later.

  I dashed home, arriving there fifteen minutes later. Opening the door, I spotted Ghost, Toast, Mike, and Gavin all gathered around the bar, listening to something on Toast's phone.

"Okay, so when is her surgery?" Toast asked as the line fell silent. Gavin waved me over towards them, so I joined them, not a fan of the next words I heard.

"Mr. Toast? Um... I have some bad news..." The doctor spoke as my heart rate began speeding up. I'm scared.

"W-What?" Toast asked softly.

"There's no need for surgery. Someone... Sabotaged her medical equipment and... She's dead..."

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