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  I woke up to someone shaking my arms and making me sit up. The immediate bright sunlight made my pounding headache only grow ten times worse, therefore I made a great life decision and put my aching head back down.

"Dammit, Toast..." I heard Ghost's voice groan from my side, making me conclude that he was the idiot trying to wake me.

"Spooker?!" Ghost yelled directly in my ear, making me want to grab him by the shirt collar and throw him out a five story window. Oh, but one can only dream.

"Yes?!" Spooker's voice answered from the living room as I brought my head back up, being greeted by swirling blurry figures that clustered around my hungover brother and I. Voices began gaining an echo as Ghost's hand softly grabbed the back of my head and laid it back down, probably knowing I was about to pass out.

"Get the pills out of the upstairs bathroom!" Ghost yelled again, making my ears ring as I felt like my head was going to implode and just cave in on itself and kill me any second now.

I heard Spooker's boots stomp up the stairs as someone else walked down the stairs.

"What the hell am I looking at right now?" The voice of Jimmy Casket asked his friendly alter ego.

"I don't know, but I'm gonna blame that one," Ghost responded, and I instantly knew that he was referring to my British step-brother.

I heard miserable groaning from Toast, knowing he was probably used to getting hungover. But for me? This is a whole new ballgame.

"S-Sir? W-What happened..?" He whispered to Ghost as I felt a hand on my back.

"Apparently you and Angel got drunk last night..." Ghost spoke, handing Toast an empty whiskey bottle as he just blankly stared at it. Spooker came back down not even a moment later, looking at the age limit for the amount of capsules to give us.

"Toast, you are..?" Spooker asked.

"Twenty two," Toast answered as Spooker handed him two tablets.

"Angel?" He asked.

"Seventeen..." I mumbled as the room fell silent.

"Way to fucking go, Toast! You got you're seventeen-year-old sister drunk! Not only is she probably in the worst pain she's ever felt before, but I'm fucking positive that it's illegal!" Jimmy screeched as I brought my head up, grabbing the tablet and glass of water that Spooker was handing me.

  I put the tablet in my mouth before taking a large drink of the water, causing the pill to channel down my throat and into my stomach. The effect should happen soon, but I don't think I can wait very long.

"Toast, did you let her drink?" Ghost asked, rubbing small circles on my back as I could almost hear Jimmy's jealousy from across the room, even though I couldn't see him. I really couldn't see anything if I'm being honest. The whole room was just multiple colors blurred together, making my life ten times more difficult than it was previously.

"I-I don't remember... Did I?" He asked me as I tiredly shrugged.

"Maybe? I honestly don't remember anything after we got home..." I mumbled, my words all slurred together as I looked at the swirling colors of my step-brother.

"So, that'd be a solid yes..." Jimmy grumbled, picking up the other bottles strewn about the table. Alcohol was spilled all across the bar, some of my hair doused in it. Jimmy lifted my hair out of it before smelling it.

"Mhmm... Whiskey..." Jimmy growled, looking at Toast as he suddenly began making more of a human shape rather than a ton of blurred colors. The medicine was now working, forcing all the toxin out of me as best as possible.

"Ghost..?" I whispered as they all looked at me.

"Yeah?" Ghost responded as I looked at the fridge.

"C-Can you get me some water?" I whispered as he nodded, walking to the other side of the island before grabbing a glass out of the cabinet before looking back at Toast.

"You need anything, Toast?" Ghost asked quietly as Jimmy sat down in the barstool next to me. I felt his hand land on my knee, making me slightly jump at his touch. I looked over, seeing Jimmy giving me a smirk as I rolled my eyes and shook my head, looking back over at Toast.

"If it's not too much trouble..." Toast whispered as Ghost nodded. Toast's blue eyes were fighting so hard to stay open, not that it was much different for me.

In that moment, my headache sent a sharp pain straight to my brain, forcing me to seal my eyes shut and hold my breath in attempt not to cry.

"Fuck..." I muttered under my breath as Ghost placed a glass of ice water in front of me.

"You okay?" I heard Jimmy ask as I nodded, still refusing to open my eyes.

"Yeah..." I whispered quietly, bringing my hands up to my head and rubbing circles on my temples.

"Just the headaches..." Toast mumbled tiredly, yawning after his statement, making me yawn with him. I could feel Jimmy's thumb rubbing circles on my knee, making me even more tired than I already was.

"Drink some water and then we'll help you guys to bed," Spooker spoke as I drowsily nodded my head. I really just wanted to lay my head on Jimmy's shoulder and just drift to sleep, but I knew that wasn't an option.

  I slowly moved one of my hands down to my knee and lightly brushed my fingers over his hand, causing his hand to remove itself and capture my hand. I took a deep breath while using my other hand to pick up my glass and taking a sip.

"Okay... I'm gonna go to bed..." Toast whispered, standing up and almost falling to his back. Luckily for him, Ghost was standing behind him. Ghost caught him and draped Toast's arm over his shoulder, supporting him as they walked up the stairs, Spooker following after them.

  I watched Jimmy stand up from his barstool and stretch all his limbs before his red eyes hit mine. A smirk grew across his face as he rested one of his hands on the middle of my back and the other underneath my knees, picking me up into his arms. I jumped slightly in fear of falling, instantly wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I can walk, you know," I whispered with a soft yawn as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm fully aware," He answered.

"Then you can put me down," I said as he chuckled.

"I can... But I'm not gonna," He said, walking me up the stairs and into my room. He set me on the bed, and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

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