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I stared at the woman with a blank expression, shaking my head. She cannot be serious.

"No..." I whispered, rising up to my feet as I watched Toast block the doorway.

"Angel, just take this into consideration. You're working with the supposed 'bad guys' and we're trying to help you. We don't want you to end up like them. It's not good for you," Tori spoke as I shook my head.

"End up like them?" I whispered while looking over at my brother with slight aggression.

"You put her up to this..." I howled as he sighed.

"Angelica, look at me. He's not good for you," Toast spoke in the calmest voice he could attempt at the moment.

"Not good for me? This conversation's not good for me! I don't have to do a damn thing anyone in this room is gonna tell me!" I yelled as Tori cleared her throat to get my attention.

"Or, I could offer something else..." She whispered as I nodded.

"I'm intrigued," I spoke as she nodded.

"I've been informed that Casket and Gavin are going to invade a warehouse tomorrow night in search of a few particular members of the Creepypasta gang. Tag along with them and risk your life to get them to me. Fail this objective and it's your life we take. Sound any better?" She asked, and I knew this was just an attempt to scare me back into the other choices.

But I liked that choice better.

"Deal..." I muttered, taking everyone present in the room by surprise.

"Angel! That could result in you dying!" Toast scolded me as I stared into the chief's cold eyes, ignoring my brother's comment.

"If you're sure..." She muttered as I nodded.

"I'm positive," I answered with narrow eyes, storming out of the room and up the steps.

I placed all my piercings in the correct places, flipping out the septum ring as I sighed, grabbing a pair of black leggings and a grey sports bra.

I opened my window and left, closing the glass up behind me. I ran down the streets until ramming directly into someone's chest. We both looked up at each other with wide eyes, sighing when we realized the other wasn't the one angry at us.

"Sorry," I said while heavily panting.

"You're fine. I guess the both of us are just in a rush," He spoke as I nodded with a smile.

"Where are you headed?" I asked as we were now both walking in the same direction.

"Well, I'm going to my step-brother's house," I spoke, turning onto Gavin's porch as the man tilted his head.

"Gavin?" He asked as I nodded, knocking on the door.

"We're going to the same place," He spoke as Gavin swung the door open, looking between the two of us with wide eyes.

"Max! Come on inside and have a seat!" Gavin greeted, inviting the other boy in.

"Thanks, Gavin," The man standing next to me said with a grin, walking past Gavin and into the kitchen.

"Come on in," Gavin spoke as I nodded, walking in with him as Jimmy walked down the stairs, arching his eyebrow as he looked at me.

"I have two questions! One: What are you doing here? Two: Why don't you dress like that more often?" Jimmy asked as I sighed.

"Well... One: I couldn't take Toast's bullshit anymore. Two: Because I don't want to have more pervy serial killers hitting on me," I spoke as he approached Gavin and I.

"Maxwell's in the other room..." Gavin whispered to Jimmy who looked over at me.

"Alright," Jimmy spoke, grabbing one of my hands and rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"So, I don't know where you want to put her but if you don't want him inside her pants--"

"Excuse me?" I asked, being completely ignored.

"Then get her into another room," Gavin ordered as Jimmy nodded, pulling me up the stairs and dragging me down hallways.

  He opened a random door, dragging me inside with him.

"We'll be staying here," He spoke as I nodded, sighing as I fell back on the sheets.

"What did Toast do this time?" He asked, sitting down next to me.

"I'll tell you tomorrow. How about tomorrow at midnight?" I asked as he sighed.

"Okay, so you found out about that," He spoke as I nodded.

"Indeed," I answered as he laid down next to me, capturing me in his arms.

"By whom?" He asked as I shook my head.

"I'll tell you tomorrow," I answered with a yawn as he nodded.

"Promise?" He asked while running his fingers through my hair.

"Promise," I answered, instantly drifting off.

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