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  Toast agreed to letting me walk home again. Which was definitely a good thing, because I need to get rid of the knife. It was an issue that I needed to eliminate.

  So, off alone in the darkness as I began down the sidewalks. I didn't know which alley, but I felt it'd be obvious.

  I kept walking down blindly before feeling something cold wrapping around my wrist and dragging me into an alley.

  My back was slammed against the back wall and I could hear breathing from around me. My heart was pounding heavily as I quickly glanced around for any sight of life.

Maniacal laughter was heard from overhead as I tilted my head upward, not spotting a single thing. I looked back ahead of me, spotting a face not even an inch away from mine, causing me to jump.

"Hello..." The person's high-pitched voice spoke as a large and toothy grin was plastered across his face.

"Oh my God..." I whispered as he laughed, not moving. I could smell the blood on his breath and see the red stains on his pointy teeth.

"What? Are you scared of Lil'o me?" He asked while I took a deep breath.

"So, Princess, were both here. Where's my knife?" He asked as I grabbed the weapon out of my back pocket. I placed it in his bloody hand, making him look down at it, then smile up at me.

  He smirked before leaning next to my ear as I shut my eyes, scared to death.

"Well, Princess. Let me give you some advice. Don't wear a neon pink Under Armor sports bra with a white tee-shirt. It's distracting me..." He spoke as I opened my eyes with hot cheeks before he returned in front of my face.

"What the hell do you expect from me? I gave you your damn knife, so what more do you want?" I asked in an aggressive tone as he smirked at my anger.

"Oh, I want a lot from you... I just don't know how much I'm gonna be able to get..." He whispered as his eyes roamed up and down my body as I rolled my eyes and tried to walk away.

He abruptly grabbed my shoulders and slammed me back against the wall. My head flew back, crashing against the bricks as he looked at me with aggression.

"I don't think I gave you permission to leave," He barked as I heard more laughs from the roofs. I glanced up, but had him grab my chin and pull my attention back to him.

"Ignore the idiots on the roof. They don't know what their doing..." He spoke as I looked out of the alley, seeing a man attired in a police uniform facing the other way. Jimmy noticed my attention wasn't on him and he looked over, spotting the guard.

"Dammit..." He muttered under his breath before saluting to me, then climbing up the brick walls like it was nothing.

  I shook my head as the officer looked over at me. Then I realized it wasn't a police officer at all.

"What the hell are you doing out here?" I asked him as he rolled his eyes.

"You know, Sis, I could ask you the same question... And does Johnny know where you're at?" He asked as I shook my head, glaring at the ground.

  Gavin Toast.

"He does, actually," I stated somewhat confidently as he shook his head.

"He knows you're out here messing with Jimmy Casket?" He asked as I shifted oddly.

"I never said that..." I answered honestly while looking back in the alley, seeing shadows stalking us on the roofs.

"Hmm... So why are you out here talking to Jimmy Casket?" He asked as I shrugged.

"I find myself asking the same question," I said as he shook his head, looking up at the roofs, knowing there were killers stalking us.

"Okay, you need to get home. Toast will kill you if you don't," Gavin informed me as I nodded, not shocked with what he said. I began walking home, hearing footsteps run, then stop. Run, then stop. Run, then stop.

  They only stopped when I would stop look back. Someone was following me and I did not appreciate it. Who was following me, I couldn't tell you. But they were there. They were as there as I was.

  I turned around and sprinted towards my house, hearing the person getting closer... And closer... And closer... And closer...

  I felt arms fold around my body as I was shoved to the ground, looking up slightly to see Jimmy's face.

"What the heck..." I mumbled, feeling my heart racing and my ears ringing. He had his hands on my upper arm as he was sort of sitting up in a kneeling position while looking around us. He would look in alleyways, rooftops, and down the street. Almost as if... Something was hunting the both of us.

"Sh!" He snapped as I looked over, not spotting a single thing.

  He picked me up and began running. How this man could run for so long, I had no idea. I would've considered it impossible if I hadn't been there.

  He stopped right outside my house and checked behind him before putting me down, then within the blink of an eye, he was gone again.

  I arched an eyebrow before walking in the house, seeing the blood on my arms.

"Oh my God! What the hell happened?!" Toast yelled as I rolled my eyes, throwing my bag on the counter.

"Nothing... I'm fine..." I answered honestly as he glared at me in annoyance.

"You seem very calm for someone covered in blood," Toast pointed out as I shrugged, beginning up the stairs.

"I'm gonna go to bed! Goodnight!" I yelled.

"Goodnight!" He responded as I closed my bedroom door and changed into my pajama pants and  grey tank top.

  I slid under the covers and slowly went to sleep, having a nightmare about Jimmy Casket.

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