Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Oikawa went through the stack of DVDs they have at home, chewing on his bottom lip as he was having a hard time picking what movie to watch. The pile of digital recordings on the bottom shelf were his collection, making everything equally enticing.

Alien (1979), Aliens (1986), Alien 3 (1992), Alien: Resurrection (1997), Prometheus, Star Wars Episodes, Extraterrestrial, Star Trek, Interstellar, Buzz Lightyear, Apollo 13, The Red Planet, Dark Star, Serenity, Pandorum, Crop Circle Documentaries, The Space Between Us - everything had something to do with aliens and astronomy.

It was simply his genre. It was very Oikawa Tooru.

He dropped the DVDs momentarily and quickly got to his feet when he heard the sharp ringing sound of the microwave oven. The brunette scampered towards the kitchen, and procured the bowl of salted-caramel popcorn he prepared, as well as the pitcher of iced tea.

Oikawa stooped down and gathered the DVDs scattered all over the floor, deciding to settle with Alien Predators despite it being his most watched film in the collection.

He staggered backwards and flopped on the sofa, eyes fixed on the TV set as the intro started to roll.

Oikawa swung his head to the right when he heard the faint, creaking sound that emanated from the bathroom door. There emerged Kuroo, half-naked with only a piece of towel wrapped around his waist, water still dripping from his - even more - disheveled hair and his well-toned body.

He whistled halfheartedly, and the ravenette just rolled his eyes in irritation.

"Where were you today?" Kuroo cocked a brow, grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bowl. "You didn't show up in the library."

"I was feeling a bit under the weather, that's all." He lied.

Being someone who had been with him his whole life, Kuroo immediately knew that wasn't the reason behind. "For someone who isn't feeling well, you look extremely happy."

"I'm feeling a bit better now." Oikawa playfully huffed the strands of chestnut locks that that cascaded down his forehead.

Kuroo shook his head, and sighed. He shoved Oikawa's legs to make space for himself as he lolled to one side of the sofa. "Spill."

"I'm watching Alien Predators." Oikawa whined.

"You watched that for like a million times already." The ravenette blurted out. "Come on! Don't hide secrets from your little brother."

Oikawa expelled a deep breath, and reached for the remote control that sat idly on top of the glass table, swiftly pausing the movie that was probably on its fifth minute mark.

"Laziness had the better of me today." He faked a smile, but Kuroo wasn't convinced.

"That was all?"

"Fine." Oikawa flailed his hands in front of him, and sighed in defeat. "I bumped into Iwa-chan... I-Iwaizumi!"

Kuroo snorted and flashed a lopsided smile, one end being unreasonably longer than the other. "You dated?"

"It wasn't like that." His cheeks were starting to gain a tinge of crimson red, though it was a tad inconspicuous because of the TV being the only source of light in the room. "It was just a friendly talk at Refreshing-kun's bakery."

"Did you guys reach third base? Fourth, perhaps?" Kuroo inquired bluntly.

Oikawa turned redder, but was able to come up with a quick retort. "Right where you're sitting at," the brunette winked.

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