Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Oikawa Tooru rolled his eyes for the nth time that night as he fiddled with the arm of his seat. Color had drained out of his face. He flipped the armrest up and down, 'till an audible groan escaped his lips.

He slowly pulled his sleeves upward to check the time, and his wristwatch read seven in the evening. Oikawa had to bite down his frustration as he massaged his temples. It had been almost three hours since his supposed departure. Which meant three hours and the airport still hadn't found a way about the problems in the runway.

The moon which had been excessively bright that night, at least for him, bathed half of his face with its glow. And he began to cuss under his breath as the exasperation on his part piled up. Why hadn't this airline thought of providing blinds for every window? He was actually surprised that there wasn't. That way, it would have been less frustrating for passengers sitting by the pane.

He could see the tendrils of his breath, curling in the frigid air. He had not flown to economy class before. And as he propped his chin on top of his open palm, he realized how long of a flight this one would be. It was the delay of it that made things even worse for him.

After a book signing tour in Indonesia, he was now on his way back to Japan, and then to his hometown in Miyagi where he would be spending the upcoming holidays. Christmas was just around the corner, and according to Kuroo, they would be experiencing a white one this year.

The coldness started to sink in his very being. He wanted to close his eyes and take a nap, but not a bit of him had succumbed to the call of sleep.

He was starting to get attention from the people who were in the same class as his. They were giving him sidelong glances that made him a tad uncomfortable, but he could just flash them a warm smile before nuzzling further to the edge of his seat.

Exhaustion was starting to weigh down his shoulders. Oikawa was reduced to clicking his tongue to a beat that reminded him of a renowned punk rock band that monopolized the limelight during his childhood.

He tried to think of happy thoughts, and nothing but happy thoughts in hopes of assuaging the heavy feeling inside him. A muscle feathered in his jaw as his eyes fluttered to a close. He began to drum his fingers on the armrests, producing unpleasant noises that earned him the sidelong stare from his neighbor.

Oikawa could see the look of unrestraint rage in the old man's eyes under his spectacles. He had to swallow the lump that formed in his throat before stuffing both his hands inside his pocket that was clearly an attempt to keep them still.

He waited and urged himself to extend more patience.

It felt like he had waited forever as he thanked the gods above when the pilot finally announced their takeoff. He heard the engines rumble and see the turbines start to turn from where he was. And magically, all the frustration were wiped clean.

The airplane started to gain altitude, and Oikawa marveled at the sight outside the window. The city lights, and the whole of Indonesia looked merely like fireflies beneath him. It stirred an unusual excitement within him. Finally, he was on his way home.

He let the rush of air out he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

With a smile on his face, Oikawa might have shrieked which he initially intended to be a hushed one, but didn't turn out that way. He noticed the old man beside him scowl, but then ignored him almost immediately in favor of the reading material he was holding. Oikawa could only imagine how miserable his life must be.

Oikawa spent the past two years living in Tokyo. This had been the time where his agent informed him that a publishing company was willing to buy his work, and a lot of revision and processes took place. The thought of going home to Miyagi for the first time in two years suddenly made him feel heavy.

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