Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

They were completely engrossed in a conversation at a small coffee shop in the town square, bathed by the reflection of the moonlight under the cold vast skies.

The town square was much livelier at night, with all the people that flocked it like fireflies do to a lamp, enthusiasm accentuating their features. They were a sight for sore eyes, and the pleasant look on their faces gave Oikawa a reason to smile.

But in a sea of people that were present in the town square that night, only one of them stood out. Nothing could ever top the feeling that Oikawa felt whenever he found himself lost in the eyes of the man that sank beautifully in the seat across him.

To say he looked handsome was an understatement. Put all the adjectives that refer to a fine looking man altogether, and it still wouldn't suffice. His jet-black hair had tousled griminess which promised finesse. He had strong arched brows and eyelashes so thick, Oikawa thought it could be illegal. And then his eyes — they were deep and catastrophic. This close, the brunette could see the flecks of silver in his eyes. He had distinct cheekbones and an angular jaw, his tan skin made him look devilishly handsome.

Iwaizumi was simply on a league of his own. He was simply a cut above the rest.

He had probably lost count of how many times Iwaizumi mentioned how he hated the sound of his own laugh that night. It was funny, as Oikawa would put it, because every time little giggles would erupt from him, he felt the exact opposite.

Iwaizumi's laughter was music to his ears. It was soothing, very unassuming, and you could tell just by listening to it that it was heartfelt and very genuine. It was a laughter that even Oikawa could feel in his lungs. It was a sound so reassuring that the sadness he had been feeling lately melted like snowballs thrown into a fiery hot furnace.

His laughter gave him hope, he felt hope. And hope felt good. With hope came the thought that things would turn around, that somehow, someone in the great somewhere had stepped into this arena as his champion. He felt joy ride into his life alongside the laughter. And Oikawa knew, that even when the laughter had faded, the joy would stay with him.

"Oikawa?" Iwaizumi waved his hand in front of him, quickly dismissing Oikawa off his train of thought.

The corners of his mouth curved upwards. "Sorry, Iwa-chan. I just love the way you talk, it brings out your inner glow for some reason."

"H-Hey, thanks." Iwaizumi, not being the one to handle compliments well, blushed.

"You look so cute when you blush." The words sputtered out of Oikawa's mouth on their own, and realizing what he just said, he blushed as well.

Iwaizumi didn't fail to notice this, and was quick to counter. "Not as cute as you are, Shittykawa."

"There we go again with that nickname." Oikawa frowned, and the ravenette couldn't help but giggle at his expense.

He looked down, and grabbed his cup of coffee before taking a sip. Iwaizumi slowly lowered it on top of the saucer before he shook his head and smiled. "It's a tit for tat."

"If I stop calling you Iwa-chan, would you stop calling me that?"

Iwaizumi cocked a brow, rubbing his chin with his fingers as if he was thinking hard. "No? I think I would be calling you that forever."

"Forever is a very long time, Iwa-chan." He propped his hands on top of the table, lips pouting as he stared deep into Iwaizumi's teal-green orbs. "It is a very long time."

"Not for some people, I guess." Iwaizumi hissed, voice falling flat at the last syllable of his line. Oikawa noticed the hint of sadness in his tone. He wanted to ask him, but his worries got the better of him that time.

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